Clickbank For Dummies

Here’s a “Clickbank for dummies” overview of the Clickbank marketplace and a couple of ways to promote Clickbank products. See also Clickbank autopilot money making software for more on this topic.

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Clickbank is a great place for affiliate marketers to start out. If you choose a good program, ideally with recurring income built in, and a good marketing strategy, you can get some traction.

For starters you’ll need a Clickbank account which you can join for free. Head over to Clickbank and open an account.

clickbank for dummies

Clickbank For Dummies

Once you’ve opened an account you should choose a product to promote. You can do this by heading over to the the Clickbank marketplace. You should find the marketplace tab at the very top of your Clickbank dashboard when you log in to your account. You can see in the image below “marketplace” is the third in from the left. Click on that tab and it’ll take you there.

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Once in the marketplace you can browse through many products. Ideally choose a product which you have an interest in. You can also browse products by using categories on the left hand side of the page. (see image below).

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Once you’ve chosen a category you can sort the products by “gravity”. “Gravity” is the number of products which are being sold every week. SO the higher the number the more of that particular product is selling.

With a low gravity of less than 20, for example, the product may be unproven, so it’s more of a risk to attempt to sell it. With a popular product with a gravity of 400+, you’ll likely have a lot of competition in terms of content generation, if that’s how you choose to promote your product. More on this later. Ideally, choose a gravity somewhere between 50 and 250+ to give you the most chance of making sales.

clickbank for dummies

Clickbank For Dummies – Clickbank Engine

Clickbank engine is a website which you can use to help you find good products to promote on Clickbank. It can help you sort out which products to chose based on topic (niche) and a number of other relevant categories such as gravity and recurring commissions. Recurring commission affiliate programs are far better than regular ones because you can earn an income much more quickly from them. They pay you over and over again from membership sales. So you’ll receive a monthly recurring income from sales rather than a single commission.

clickbank engine

Clickbank For Dummies – Promote Clickbank Products For Free

There’s several ways you can promote Clickbank products as an affiliate marketer. Two simple strategies are through using a blog or creating a YouTube channel. You can also build a niche website around your topic too. Create content around the products you have chosen and post it on YouTube or on your website.

This is why it’s important to choose products which you align with. If you choose a product you are not interested in, it’s far more difficult to create content around your niche. See also micro niche affiliate marketing.

One of my favourite ways of promoting affiliate products online is through building a niche website by targeting specific keywords. See how to create a free website and make money using this strategy.

Creating A Blog To Sell Your Products

Having a blog is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to promote affiliate products. With a blog, your goal is to draw traffic (visitors) to you via your content and then offer your Clickbank or other affiliate products through your content. You can do this by using affiliate links within your content, placing banners on your site and building an email list and getting your visitors to subscribe to it.

niche blogging for profit

A blog only works though if you create good content and get eyes on it. You also need to carefully align your content with the products you are promoting. So your content should be a good match for customers of your product. A good way to do this is with a review website. If you look on Google for your affiliate product, you’ll probably see a number of reviews for it – particularly with Clickbank. If you can find a product with less competition, you can more easily get your content to rank highly for its main keywords.

Reviews are great because they usually draw in potential customers looking to purchase something. The key is to write some great content and get Google to rank it at the top of the search engine. You can also promote your content through social media and other channels too. But ultimately you want it to rank on Google so you get free traffic.

Creating A Channel On YouTube

YouTube is another great way to generate content and lead people to your affiliate products. Once you’ve created a YouTube account, you can post videos which you have made and lead people through your links to affiliate products. Again you need to gain the attention of potential customers, not just random people. So you’ll need to create useful content around your chosen topic or niche.

Use the search bar in YouTube to find keyword variations which match your particular niche. Type into the search bar the first few keywords which relate to your products or niche. You’ll see a bunch of keyword ideas which relate to popular searches already being made on the site. Create YouTube videos and target these keywords within your titles and descriptions. (see example in image below).

youtube search queries

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