So how realistic is it to build an autopilot income from home, really? Although there’s plenty of software I’ve talked about on this site which can make your life easier while building an online business, there’s still work to be done. Building an autopilot income takes time and investment, however.
When I started out online, I got duped by those videos which tell you it can be done by just spending a short time on your laptop and you can watch money roll in! Don’t believe those videos! It’s not easy and it takes time and a lot of effort to build even an income in the online world; let alone an automated income which is scalable. Yet it can be done! Many have exactly that – an automated income which is scalable.
What’s Involved In Building An Automated Income From Home?
An automated income can be built by selling other people’s products online, using what is known as affiliate marketing. Affiliates don’t need their own products and simply promote other people’s products for a share of the sale. Their sales are tracked automatically online and can be traced back to them. They receive a commission for each sale they make.
To sell anything online you need a customer. By leading customers to products they are in need of, or actively searching for, affiliates can build a scalable income which comes in whether they work or not. Once built, their infrastructure can sell products to anyone globally, even without them being physically present.
Depending on how they build their online business, that infrastructure can be scaled to reach more and more people once they have mastered their marketing strategy.
Types Of Marketing Strategy – Blogging
Affiliate marketers use many different strategies (and products). But let’s talk about marketing strategies. Some affiliates use organic strategies to find potential customers and lead them to products they might benefit from. This website is an example of an organic strategy. You can read more about how this works in my article create free website and earn money.
But basically it involves creating a resource which people can find organically. This is a pretty slow, long term strategy which affiliates can use to build a steady stream of free leads which can turn into sales. See my ebook niche blogging for profit for more on this too. Over time, if you have the patience and a passion for what you’re doing, this can work wonders. Imagine a steady stream of free buyers for your affiliate products. Unfortunately this strategy is often abandoned be many simply because it takes so long to get any traction.
Very few affiliates make this strategy work long term because they either give up or are not patient enough. Blogging takes time and effort and there’s no financial rewards for some time. Those who can see the long term benefits from blogging, and enjoy the process, are more likely to stick at it long enough to make it work. It can take from 6 months to a year to generate traction with a blog; longer in some niches.
Types Of Marketing Strategies – Paid Advertising
Paid advertising is definitely something you should use if you are less patient and want faster results. Some can’t afford paid advertising though but it’s a far more effective strategy, if you can afford it.
With paid marketing you get instant feedback from your efforts. Unlike blogging, you can determine whether your advert works or not very quickly. In the first instance, affiliates who use paid marketing will spend a lot of money with very little return, often nothing!
This is where many give up and proclaim that it simply doesn’t work. But affiliate marketing is an entrepreneurial game! You can’t expect an easy win right out of the gate! Consider the skill of learning to drive. If you get something wrong initially, you don’t give up straight away. But with affiliate marketing many do.
Once you hit on a winning advert, you’ve found a ‘vein of gold’ and you can repeat that success very easily. With paid marketing you can also scale up very easily and quickly. This is not the same with organic marketing. So it’s definitely worth using some paid marketing at some stage. Start with a small budget and be very patient. Never scale up a losing advert and always test and measure with small amounts before adding to your budget.
How Do I Get Started Online?
There’s so many ways to earn money from the internet it can be overwhelming when you start. There’s so many shiny objects being thrown at you it’s difficult to discern what is real and what isn’t.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that making money online is an easy thing. It takes time and effort. Your knowledge will serve you the most. So don’t look for or trust those “easy wins” which can seem attractive! They will lead you down many rabbit holes, often to nowhere!
Start by getting educated and focusing on your learning and development. Decide on a direction and stick to a specific path for at least 6 months to a year. Access an all in one training resource here which gives you multiple options on direction and timeframe according to your current situation.
Ever wondered how to make money selling other people’s products online? I looked to the internet as a way to earn an income back in the early 90’s. In 1995 eBay opened its doors and I began to sell things from around the house.
Around 2010 I was using eBay to buy and sell for a profit and decided there had to be a better way. I bought a downloadable eBook which taught me a strategy to find badly listed items on eBay.
After a while of doing this business I thought back to the eBook purchase I had made. It was automated and the eBook itself could be re-sold countless times from anywhere. The seller wasn’t even a published author but was able to automate the sale of his own product. This idea made me start creating my own eBooks but when I couldn’t sell them I turned to online courses to help me.
How To Make Money Selling Other People’s Products Online – Affiliate Marketing
I put myself on many of these “make money online” courses in the hope it would teach me how to get people to buy my ebooks. However it led me in another direction entirely.
All the courses I took taught me how to make money selling other people’s products online. It’s a popular business model known as affiliate marketing. Affiliates send people to other people’s products and if they make a sale they earn a commission based on that sale.
Some affiliate products even pay up to 50% commission on a sale. This means that without even having a product of your own, you can refer customers and make money! A good analogy I once heard is that of recommending a restaurant to a friend. But with affiliate marketing your recommendations can earn you an income.
How To Make Money Selling Other People’s Products Online – How To Sell
How to make money selling other people’s products online? It’s a bit different than telling a friend you like a certain restaurant. With online selling, you are finding people you don’t necessarily know. Of course you can still recommend certain products to your friends and family too if you choose. But you’ll need to do it in a certain way or you won’t get paid.
If you tell your friend to go online, for example, and purchase a product, you won’t get paid! Unless of course it’s your website and you’ve used your affiliate links on it. With an affiliate link you code your recommendations so that the owner of the products knows who has made the referral. That way they can attribute the sale to the right person.
On this website for example, there are a few affiliate links. If you take a link and purchase something I recommend, I’ll receive a commission. Selling products online can be done in several ways. One strategy is to create content such as this article (or website). Over time as more people come to a website, you’ll get referral traffic to the products you recommend. If you keep working, building out content and sharing it, over time you’ll increase the traffic to your site and start earning more from it.
You don’t need to use a website either since you can purchase ready made sales funnels to collect subscribers and deliver emails with your affiliate links in them.
Selling Other People’s Products Through An Email
The fastest way to build a profitable internet business is through using direct response marketing (paid marketing) and a sales funnel with a variety of products in it. Using paid marketing is expensive though and you’ll need a good range of affiliate products to sell. Otherwise you’ll struggle making a return on your marketing investment.
With email marketing, affiliates build huge email lists of subscribers. Top affiliate marketers will have email lists which number into the tens of thousands of subscribers. They send out emails and make sales on complete autopilot! See autopilot business.
Making Money By Building A Website
There’s a couple of ways you can make money selling other people’s products by building websites. One strategy I discuss in my article create free website and earn money is through building a niche website. A niche website is built around specific keywords in order to generate traffic from the search engines for free. This is a much more difficult way to generate visitors to a site than using paid marketing. However, if it works you can have free traffic and sales without investing in a lot of paid advertising.
The other way to use a website to make money is through creating a site and driving traffic through an advertising platform such as YouTube or Adwords. This strategy involves building a site which adheres to the policies of the advertising platform you are using. Then use you site to collect visitors details and follow up with a marketing strategy via email. See autopilot marketing.
Collect Data From Your Website
In both these cases your website is used as a data collection “portal”! From a website you should collect your visitor’s details in exchange for some useful information which you can send them. This is done through a landing page. Here’s an example of a landing page:
A landing page is a single page of a website which is designed to give the visitors less options than a normal website. With a normal website, a visitor can browse around and have a look at many different things. With a landing page they have only two options: sign up or leave the page. This forces them to make a decision quickly, and ideally, gets them to join an email list from which you can market your affiliate products to them.
Choosing The Right Products To Sell
To learn how to make money selling other people’s products online isn’t easy. It takes time and effort and is a learned skill like any other. Without taking the time and putting in the effort to learn this skill, most people will quit within their first year online.
Here’s some common errors which newbie affiliate marketers will make on their journey:
Choosing the wrong products
Marketing in the wrong way
Targeting the wrong audience for their products
Quitting too easily
Not building a list of subscribers
Choosing The Wrong Products
What are the “wrong products”? Surely any affiliate products will make you money? Well yes and no. If you already have a niche and a following online, it’s a good idea to choose products which are aligned with your interests and niche. So if you already have a blog with many followers around the topic of, self help, for example; finding a good self help products to sell is a good idea.
Selling car tyres from a self help blog is obviously not a good match. But selling self help books from a self help blog is. However, some products pay far more than others. Books from Amazon, for example will pay on tiny commissions. It’s a good idea to find products which will keep paying you after you make a sale. These are products which offer ongoing value to their customers. Physical products may sell well and sites like Amazon already has a good level of trust with consumers. However, it also only pays its affiliates from 3% to 11% commission on products they refer.
Marketing In The Wrong Way & Targeting The Wrong Audience
An audience who enjoys the self help topic will be a poor match for selling car tyres. Just as a car enthusiasts blog will be a bad place to advertise self help products.
It’s easy to think that just because you have found an amazing product/s to sell, everyone who sees it will think the same way. When people are online they are often only looking for something very specific. Imaging you’re browsing in a car showroom and someone comes up to you and offers you a discounted carpet! This can be the experience for many when they are online.
Finding and targeting the right people, who want what you are offering, is therefore key to having a good experience with affiliate marketing. Get this wrong at your peril! You can also make the mistake of expecting too much from a poor marketing strategy. Blogging and free marketing tactics are far less effective on the whole than paid marketing which is much more easily automated and scalable.
Quitting Too Easily
This is the number one problem for 97% of affiliate marketers who quit before they’ve even got 1000 subscribers on their email list. They throw up some marketing strategy and it fails. With the right mindset, someone will learn from every “failure” they have. With the right mindset each “failure” is a stepping stone to success. Therefore there are no failures just learnings! But so many make the mistake of thinking that because one strategy failed, their business model doesn’t work at all.
Blogging for example can take years before you see the results of your efforts. You’ll need to put in many hours before you start to see regular traffic. You’ll need to learn the strategies for successful blogging and not just expect Google to find your blog and rank it! (It won’t – at least unless you put in the effort).
Paid marketing can fail too. When you start out expect most of your marketing campaigns to fail. You’ll burn through budget very quickly if you’re not careful. But if you stick at it long enough, and are wise enough to test and measure your advertising carefully, you’ll start to see what works and what doesn’t. Cut what’s broken and scale up what’s working. When you stick at it long enough you can automate the process and build a business which largely runs by itself! Surely this is worth working for!?
Not Building A List Of Subscribers
The most successful online entrepreneurs build a list of email subscribers and give them massive value. They build relationships with their subscribers by emailing their list regularly and giving value and insight to help and inspire.
Selling a product directly from a website, or an advert is much harder than by email. When someone visits a website, they only have a small window of time to purchase. When they leave your website they are gone forever! Once you get their email address you can keep in touch with them. The time period with which they can make a buying decision is extended, vastly! People can buy something from you years down the line if you build a list of subscribers.
Most affiliate marketers who start out don’t appreciate this though. Many give up too early and before they even have 1000 subscribers on their list.
Get your hands on some automated affiliate marketing software. Sign up on this site and join an online community of business owners. You’ll be able to access software which helps you build websites quickly and easily. You’ll be able to access design software, sales funnels, digital products and a whole host of other marketing and software to help you build an online business from scratch.
So what exactly will automated affiliate marketing software do for you? When I started learning about affiliate marketing, I didn’t know what step to take for maximum effect. I spent a lot of time doing the wrong kinds of activities. Much of the things I learned are now redundant skills, such as building websites. You can get it done very quickly and easily with the right software. Click on image below to watch a short video on using the software.
What Automated Affiliate Marketing Software Does Do
Automated affiliate marketing software can help you build a legitimate online business much more quickly and easily. With a ready made sales funnel, a range of products and software like you see in the video, you can have a ready made business up and running very quickly.
Software you’ll need for an online business includes:
Website building software
Email marketing software – to automate the collection and delivery of email and marketing messages.
Digital products which are ready to use with your affiliate links already embedded
Design software you can use to help create content – ebook covers, for example.
Opt-in software such as drop down email capture plugins you’ll use with your website
Training and support worldwide both with regular Q and A webinars and face to face meetings around the world.
What Automated Affiliate Marketing Software Doesn’t Do
Despite automated affiliate marketing software saving you a tonne of leg work as an affiliate, you’ll still need to market your sales funnel once it’s up and running. The automated software helps you create an up-and-running online business model which delivers high value digital products around the world. What it doesn’t do for you is promote your sales funnel. The marketing side of an affiliate marketers job is up to you! This means you’ll need to learn about online marketing if you haven’t already, and create an effective marketing campaign to start selling your products.
The online business platform offered here on this website (sign up for the video series), offers everything you’ll need to build your own working online business. Training in all aspects of online marketing is available through the business system.
What Training Is Provided?
Depending on the level of help you want to access, you can join the various online groups or even get personal one-to-one mentorship in building a scalable online business from scratch.
The SFM has recently partnered with these companies in a way to offer more training and value:
Microsoft Lynda (Under the Linkedin umbrella of companies) recently partnered with SFM as a way to offer their own 6,500 training courses as part of the SFM curriculum.
DigitalMarketer (The world’s longest standing and most highly respected B2B and B2C marketing training company) also partnered with SFM and now offer their own training as part of the SFM curriculum.
You’ll be able to access webinars, seminars and live discussions where you’ll be able to overcome issues relating to mindset or technical issues relating to your business.
How Can I Get Started?
You can get started by signing up for the video series on this website. You’ll get access to a free series of videos straight to your inbox. From there you’ll be able to become member by purchasing the application and upgrading your account.
Once inside you’ll be able to access a digital business platform and set up your business system. Once set up you’ll need to choose a marketing strategy to promote it. Depending on your preference you can choose between paid and free marketing strategies; or use a combination of the two.
Your modular step by step curriculum setup
Marketing Your Business – Advertising
There’s several ways you can market your sales funnel once your business system is set up and working properly. You can advertise through the various marketing platforms such as:
To use paid marketing you’ll need some higher value products in your sales funnel. You’ll be able to choose a variety of high value items to include in your own personal “digital store”. The more items you purchase for your store, the greater the commissions you’ll be able to access. If you want to use paid marketing to advertise, you’ll need at least one high ticket item in your inventory.
Without high ticket items it’s going to be more difficult to turn a profit using paid marketing. However, you can still learn how to use free marketing strategies to generate sales through your funnel. You can also use the knowledge you’ll gain through the training resources to build a business of your own too. Many digital marketers have built their own companies after spending time studying online marketing strategies with the SFM.
Building an automated affiliate marketing machine isn’t as difficult as it used to be. Nowadays you can purchase a high ticket sales funnel which allows you to use paid marketing to drive targeted visitors into your “machine”.
Of course your digital products will need to offer value to customers. Would you buy a product which didn’t offer value? Ideally, you should have a number of high value products within your sales funnel. Why high value? Because you can charge a higher price and your customers will stay with you, giving you an income for life.
Building An Automated Affiliate Marketing Machine – Recurring Income Products
When I first started out as an affiliate there was a lot I didn’t understand. One of the best things I’ve learned is to choose recurring commission affiliate programs to promote. This is because you can earn an income from each sale rather than just a single commission. Even if you only earn $20 a month (from a subscription or membership product), with only 10 members you’ll earn $200 a month. With 100 members, you’ll earn $2000 a month.
Recurring income products are definitely the way to go with affiliate marketing.
Ideally also use digital products too. Most subscription products are digital. Digital products usually offer a higher level of commission than physical products you might find on a site such as Amazon. Amazon pays somewhere between 3% and 11% to it’s affiliates for a sale. With digital products you can earn up to 40 and even 50% commission.
Automated Affiliate Marketing – Promotion
The hardest part about building an automated affiliate marketing machine has to be marketing. Once you have a sales funnel in place with a range of digital products (see free video series), you’ll need to promote your sales funnel with some kind of marketing strategy.
To completely automate and scale an online business will take a considerable amount of testing and measuring of a paid marketing strategy. Paying for marketing is expensive too so you’ll need a good high ticket sales funnel with a number of high value products to promote. Otherwise you simply won’t make the money back you’ll be spending on marketing.
With a lower value product range, or fewer high ticket products to sell, you can promote your sales funnel with cheaper or free marketing. However, free marketing strategies take much longer than those you pay for. Plus they are less scalable.
A Six Figure Sales Funnel
A six figure funnel looks something like this. There’s a product range not just a single product. Most affiliates will promote a single product and only make a single commission. That means they don’t get recurring commissions from each sale like you would with a membership product. With a high ticket funnel like the one above you have multiple income streams from :
Subscription products – memberships and software products
Up-sells – products to offer to existing customers which the affiliate can earn from
Entry level product – a low value product at the start of the funnel
Multi-tier sales – earn from sales made by your team of affiliates
High ticket items – products which offer more value also offer higher commissions
Marketing Engine – PPC
Pay per click marketing, or direct response is the favoured marketing strategy of the six figure affiliate earner. Some affiliates do create content of course but this is more difficult and does take longer. With direct response marketing, you pay each time someone interacts with your advert. This makes it easy to measure.
By testing and measuring advertising, affiliates can determine which adverts work the best. They can then make decisions to cut poor performing ones and scale up the profitable ones.
This still takes time, effort and of course marketing budget. But once you’ve discovered a profitable advert, you can simply leave it running and go on to create many more.
Affiliates start out with a small manageable budget and can increase it to many thousands of dollars/pounds per month. As they see profit coming in, they know it is a safe bet to increase their daily budget and increase the number of visitors and subscribers they are getting into their sales funnel.
The Customer Journey
The customer journey is the path of your customers through your advertising and into your sales funnel. One of the major problems affiliate marketers face is losing the attention of people as they view their content or advert/s.
With the online world, there’s huge competition for attention. If you pay to get someone to your website, you’ll want them to subscribe to your sales funnel because they’re more likely to purchase something if they do.
So you want to target the right audience and make their journey congruent with your main marketing message. Otherwise you could spend a lot of money and not get any subscribers or customers.
Success With An Automated Online Business
After a lot of testing and measuring, you hopefully will arrive at a profitable advertising campaign. Consistently making a profit on your advertising spend is the goal for many online business owner. Once you have done this congratulations! You’ve now built an automated affiliate marketing machine. You can now repeat this success with other adverts and scale up your existing campaign to let more people flow into your sales funnel.
You’ll also want to work on areas of your business which you want to improve too. By studying your data and looking at your sales, you should be able to identify where your business is working well and where it needs improvement. You can cross test adverts to improve your opt in rates and marketing budget. You can also test and measure different marketing strategies and change your email follow ups accordingly.
Are you looking for micro niche blogging topics. Finding micro niches within a niche can be done using Google’s keyword planner tool. I found the keywords for this site through using the planner.
Here’s a short video explaining how it’s done.
Micro Niche Blogging Topics
What are your micro niche blog topics going to be about? As you can see in the video, there’s all kinds of long tail keywords which come up. In order to blog about any given keyword with any amount of intelligence, you’ll need to know something about it. Of course you can research pretty much any topic with Google but having a background in a certain topic will give you a massive advantage. It’s much easier and quicker to blog around a topic you know well. So it’s well worth choosing a topic which you have some affinity with.
So if you have a topic in mind, tap that keyword into the planner and do a quick search. Use the monthly search tab to click into the less competitive long-tail keywords. This should bring up a few ideas which you can base your articles around. Of course these longer tail keywords won’t have as may monthly searches. But it’s far better to have a higher ranking on Google for a low competition keyword than to never get a single hit going for the massively competitive ones.
Here’s a few blog topic ideas which you can delve down into using the keyword planner strategy:
Scrapbooking, martial arts, cushion making, basket weaving, mushroom harvesting, wood carving, stamp collecting, growing your own vegetables, toy making, record collecting, toy train set landscaping, fish tank decorations.
Think also about a broader niches which you can dive into for a very specific topic. Do keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult building content on a subject you know nothing about. So ideally find something you have a passion or interest for.
Hobby careers
Business ideas
The Problem With A Niche You don’t Care About
I looked into niche website building some years ago. A friend on mine had a potato harvesting website which was ranked highly on Google. So I looked into other vegetables as a possible niche website. I found the keyword “When To Harvest Mushrooms” had a good number of monthly searches and was pretty un-competitive. So I built a site around those keywords: (
I researched my content before every post and this took some time. I spent several months building content about mushrooms. After that I was pretty fed up of it. My site did reach top of Google for its keywords but it was a difficult niche to monetise. I used Adsense and found an affiliate site which offered a related product.
However, I lost interest in writing content because I had no interest in harvesting mushrooms. I was only trying to earn an income from the site. That was my motivation. Sure enough another site came along and knocked mine from top place. They had a passion for what they were doing. They were including videos and updating regularly while also interacting with their visitors. I eventually gave up my site after it had fallen from the first page.
The point is it’s much easier and more enjoyable and more lucrative to choose a topic you care about. You’ll still get bored of it but at least you’ll be going in the right direction!
Finding Your Niche
Finding your niche is key to building a good blog which you’re proud of. What are you about? What do you like and what do you think about the most? What’s the first thing you want to tell someone about when you first meet them? This usually signifies some kind of passion or interest. If you can identify this, that’s where you should focus your efforts.
A blog is a slow strategy for building traffic. If you do it out of passion, you’ll have a lot more fun on they journey and you’ll have a greater chance of finding success. If you’re not sure what your passion is yet, have a look at Ikigai.
Ikigai is a Japanese term meaning “reason for being” or “thing that you live for”. Defining your ikigai can help you identify what kind of blog niche you are really passionate for. Finding this is much more likely to help you in the long run to build a successful blog. Chasing the money over any keywords which you think will “work” is not going to give you the best foundation for a successful blog.
Identifying your ikigai can help you find a successful blog topic
Micro Niche Blogging Topics – Summary
Ideally find a niche interest which excites you and which you can blog around for years to come. Don’t think about the money first. Which two keywords summarise your main blog topic? It could be “self help” or “affiliate marketing” or even “personal development”. Think about what you most like to talk about, or think about. Identify your ikigai and start to focus in on what really drives you. What would you write about if money wasn’t an issue?
Once you’ve identified your passion and ikigai, you can start researching your keywords. I built this site around the keywords in the domain name. You can see how I did it in my article create free website and earn money. This came from using the free keyword planner I use in the video above. Once you’ve found a good keyword to base a website around, you can delve further into that keyword to find other keywords for your articles.
Good luck! Please comment and share if this article has been useful.
I always wanted a fully automated website business. Little did I know what was involved in building one! There’s a couple of ways of building a fully automated website business. You can go the long, slow route, or the faster, more expensive route.
When I started building websites, back in 2010, I had no money for paid marketing. I worked at building up content on my websites and attempted to get them ranking on Google. I failed a number of times but took it as a learning curve.
Ranking a website on Google is hard. So your best bet is to use paid marketing or there’s also social media marketing. Don’t go for top place on Google because you’ll probably fail. Instead share your content and link to it. Think of a listing on Google as a bonus if it happens!
Fully Automated Website Business – Fast Strategy
The fast way to build a fully automated website business is to use affiliate marketing products which allow you to use paid marketing. For most products, including low paid physical products you might find on Amazon, you’ll only get 11% commission on the highest paid ones.
If all you’ve got to sell from your website is physical products, you’ll need to use free marketing strategies. Paid marketing will be too expensive to recoup your money on low value items. You need a large value digital products. Or, better still a range of large value items which you can sell through a sales funnel.
Why use a sales funnel?
Fully Automated Website Business – A Sales Funnel
A sales funnel can start on a website. What a sales funnel can give you is more profit. Most people don’t buy immediately from an unknown website. People need to see a product several time before making a buying decision. Sometimes many more. When someone lands on your website they only have a small window of opportunity to purchase something. After 10 minutes tops they’re gone! Most will be gone forever and never return!
If you get your visitors to subscribe to your email list, you can keep in touch with them through an automated email marketing service. This will dramatically extend the time with which they can make a purchasing decision. On a website they have only around 10 minutes or less. On your email list you can sell to them even months or years later.
High Ticket Items – Your Products
But anyway, back to the products. A low value product won’t help you build a fully automated website business. You’ll most likely struggle to get traffic and spend heaps of time creating content for it unless you know what you’re doing.
With a high ticket product range, you can use paid marketing. This means you’ll set up a Google compliant website and use YouTube or Adwords, or even Facebook to send customers directly to it via paid marketing.
But you can’t do this with low value products because you won’t make enough to recoup your advertising spend.
A good product range should contain:
High value digital products – high value lets you earn more per sale and digital products pay larger commissions per sale than physical type products.
Multi-tier products – let you earn commissions from sales made by your team
Built in sales team – close sales on your behalf
A range of up-sells (product range starting at a low price) – lets you sell to more people with different needs and budgets
A Slower Strategy – The Cheaper Option
Of course having a range of high ticket products in your sales funnel comes at a cost. If you’re unable to meet that cost there are cheaper methods.
One of these is the niche website. See how to build a niche website and get free traffic. A niche website is built around a specific keyword/topic which has been well researched. It takes time and effort to build up a niche website. This website is an example of one. You can read about I this site was built in this article: create free website and earn money.
Using Social Media For Traffic
You don’t even need a website if you want to use another strategy. But having a website is a good idea since it gives you a digital business card to share to people online quickly and easily.
Using social media is another strategy to gain a following to your website. Facebook is a good source for traffic if you don’t want to, or can’t afford the paid traffic route.
Join groups in your niche. You can join various Facebook groups which would be a good fit for your target audience. Set up your Facebook profile to send people to your website. Then interact with people in those groups and offer value and insight. Don’t just spam them with your website link. Offer real value and be a real human being. Make connections and interact with other real people.
Over time, and by doing this regularly, you’ll start to gain some traction.
You’ll still need a product whatever you do. If you don’t have a product or business of your own to promote, look for products which interest you personally. I was interested in building an online business so looked for online support and business systems and products. I found an online community which has helped me understand digital marketing strategies and build an online business from scratch.
You can also find products in pretty much any niche. So if you already have a passion or interest do a quick Google search for “{insert your passion} affiliate programs”. You should find something suitable for your audience according to what kind of content you want to create on your website.
For a fully automated website business you’ll ideally want to use digital products or affiliate products of some kind. With your own product or service, it won’t be fully automated because you’ll be stuck posting something out or selling away your time in your business. See also fully automated online business.
Are you living on autopilot? Is your autopilot lifestyle bringing you want you really want? Or do you feel trapped in your bubble of existence?
Most people are running an autopilot living experience and they don’t question it. We mostly experience the same kinds of repetitive patterns in our lives without really experiencing what we’re fully capable of.
Today we live in what should be the greatest time in history. We have access to more information through a mobile phone than ever before. We can summon a taxi from our phones and soon even flying taxis, no doubt! We can build businesses which give us time and financial freedom from our laptops and even work them from our mobile phones!
But we are mostly still stuck in old behaviour patterns which we have inherited. They keep us in a small limited world of our own creation. We haven’t grown beyond the traditional thinking of our ancestors as fast as technology has grown around us.
Autopilot Lifestyle – Running On Autopilot
Our beliefs keep us stuck. Seldom do we question the status quo because we have been conditioned to believe that life is just this way or that. Once the behaviour becomes habit over a number of years, it’s very difficult to break.
Working a 9 to 5 job is an example of this. People stick to their careers over years because they come to depend on their income. They don’t look for alternatives because they have no time left! They don’t even consider an alternative, let alone asking how to escape 9 to 5!
But we can change if we want to enough.
Autopilot Lifestyle – Making Change Happen
Change usually only happens after a long period of suffering. If life is ok, you put up with it. When life drags us down a little we simply justify it. No one can be happy all the time right? But when life continues to kick you while you’re down, you eventually break and change must happen!
At this stage is when people start looking for alternatives. What happens then? They look for ideas and come up against their own belief systems sabotaging them again!
If you find an opportunity to live anywhere and build a business from your laptop, for example, 90% of people will assume it’s a scam! They discount it immediately and this leave little options except to find similar work, go back to their old job and re-live their same patterns.
To change your life you need to change your paradigm. A paradigm is a belief system which controls your thinking. Most of us make sense of the world by building beliefs. From theses beliefs we can move forwards and build our lives. The problem arises when our beliefs no longer support our dreams and goals. We either succumb to the idea that we can’t have that, or we persevere through old beliefs and find something new.
Beliefs Control Habits
Your daily habits are the result of your thinking which in turn is the outcome of your beliefs. If you believe you will never escape poverty, you’ll act in accordance with this belief. If you don’t believe you’re worth a better or happier life, and that this is your ‘lot’, you’ll never strive for something more.
So uncovering your beliefs is a good step towards finding what drives your autopilot living and autopilot lifestyle. Ask yourself how you feel about yourself, what you think about work, money, love and relationships. Your answers will correlate directly to your current lifestyle, without exception.
Building An Autopilot Income And Living More Freely
Lots of people are already living very different lives of greater freedom and flexibility because of the internet. Take a look of the graph below which shows the growth in e-commerce sales (online sales) as a percentage of global retail sales. That line is set to continue in the same direction!
What this means for anyone who is interested is that they can be a part of this growing trend and actually earn a living directly from the internet. Laptop earnings mean people can leave boring and repetitive jobs, live anywhere and automate sales online. No more commutes, no more long hours doing difficult shifts! For many this is a huge draw!
But because most people are so set in their ways and beliefs, many won’t even consider this as a possibility for themselves.
Pretty soon though, many will be forced to look for alternative income streams when automation takes more and more jobs over the next decade or two.
So consider how much you have succumbed to an autopilot living, autopilot lifestyle which no longer serves you.
Yes it’s possible to build an “earn money autopilot” system from your laptop. But it’s not easy! I fell for many of those systems. You know the ones. They tell you how easy it will be to earn money on autopilot with only a few steps. In truth, it’s not easy. It takes time and effort. but it can be done!
I took many digital profit courses which claimed they could make me some easy money. I learned some skills and eventually did start generating income from the internet. But it took some time and some understanding. In truth only 3% of those who start out trying to build an online business from scratch will actually make it a viable income which can replace their existing one.
To earn money on autopilot requires building a system which runs without you. When I started out online learning how to make money using my laptop, I used eBay. I bought and sold items and made a profit using this strategy. But I was in the system. It didn’t work without me; which was where I went wrong.
To build an “earn money autopilot” system, you need to create a system which works 24 hours a day, 265 days a year on complete autopilot. You need 3 things to make this a reality:
A Marketing engine – to get people to your sales funnel
Affiliate products – products you can use to sell for a share of the profit
That’s it! That’s all you need! But what’s the catch?
What’s The Catch?
I spent years figuring out what didn’t work online. I built many websites and wasted a lot of time. I blogged and blogged and blogged but nothing happened. Why? Because I didn’t know how to get traffic to my website or landing pages. I couldn’t get people into my sales funnel and I was stuck in a poverty mindset which stopped me taking actions outside my comfort zone.
Getting people into your sales funnel is pretty important and this takes a marketing engine. This was the step I got wring for years. I focused on building pretty websites and writing a lot of content which nobody saw!
But unless you’re willing to spend months and years building content and sharing it, you’ll need a marketing engine which drives traffic. This is expensive so you’ll need a product range which offers enough value to recoup your marketing budget and make a profit.
Just LOOK at that curve – E-Commerce share of global retail sales from 2015-2021
So your sales funnel is pretty important if you want to build an “earn money autopilot” system. Without a good sales funnel which offers a lot of value and gives you large enough commissions, you won’t be able to afford to advertise (using paid marketing). Which means your marketing efforts will need to be free or low cost. And cheap marketing costs time; time which most people simply don’t have.
Can You Afford To Market Your Funnel?
Most cheap online business systems offer a low cost product for you to promote. What they don’t tell you is that you won’t be able to afford paid marketing to promote it. Paid marketing is the best and fastest way to build an “earn money autopilot” strategy that actually works. Organic (free) traffic is hard to come by. It used to be much easier to get organic traffic to a website. But now there’s paid adverts all over the top of the Google search results.
So to build a serious online business that works takes either a huge amount of time and effort building content and promoting it, or paid marketing.
A high ticket funnel lets you use paid marketing because your average customer value is much higher than that of a low value affiliate product. With a range of high ticket items and recurring commission affiliate products in your sales funnel, you’ll be able to recoup your marketing costs more easily.
Building An Earn Money Autopilot System Without Paid Marketing
You can still build an income from a laptop without paid marketing. However, it’s much more difficult. There’s various strategies to do this including:
Blogging – creating website content like this article
V’logging – creating video blogs and posting to YouTube
Social media – Using Facebook, Instagram Twitter etc to build a following
Email marketing – an email autoresponder does cost a small amount but will help multiply your efforts
You can of course use a combination of many strategies. Ideally use a small amount of paid marketing and build up your advertising budget as you learn and build your business.
If you want to get started and build an online business from scratch, access this free video series to learn more and join an online business community.
Advantages Of Paid Marketing
Paid marketing is easily scalable. This is probably the best advantage of all. With organic traffic, you have to wait for a long time before your content generates traction in your business. With paid marketing, you can run an advert and see immediate results. If an advert isn’t working, simply cancel it. If a campaign works and brings a profit, you can scale up just by increasing your advertising budget.
It’s very difficult to scale up an organic marketing strategy. One article could go viral and make you a heap of sales. But it’s difficult to replicate this success with other content. Paid marketing is reliable too. You can set up a paid marketing campaign and it can run 24 hour a day, bringing you leads on autopilot. With content it’s more difficult to get people to view it consistently. Paid marketing is very targeted too so you can get the right people in front of your offers.
So ideally use some paid marketing in your online business if your business model (and average value of a customer) allows it.
Discovering how to make laptop earnings is pretty exciting! It means you can leave your job and never have to commute again, or work for a boss. But once that excitement wears off there’s a lot of work to be done to make it a reality. When I made my first online sale, about 10 years ago, I thought I’d made it in life! Unfortunately it was a short lived success. Many failures followed and I wasn’t out of the woods yet!
I had to go through a lot more struggle and uncertainty before things really came together.
Laptop Earnings
When I first started looking for ways how to earn money with a laptop and internet connection, I used eBay. I did manage to make regular profits too. But the model wasn’t what I really wanted. I was tied to my computer all day and was barely making a living. I bought and sold items using a misspell tool. This let me find bargains which I could sell on for a profit. But I had a room full of stock and I was constantly searching for items or listing them to re-sell.
I later discovered a much better option. Affiliate marketing uses other people’s products and for some of them you can earn up to 50% commission. What’s better was that you don’t need to physically post anything yourself and once you made a sale, you don’t have to deal with any customers either. It was a much better strategy.
The main problem was getting the sales. Before sales came leads and before leads came traffic.
If you’re going to start making laptop earnings you need traffic in order to make any sales. There’s many ways to get traffic but they all fall into the following two strategies:
Paid marketing
Free strategies
Paid marketing is fast and free marketing tends to be very slow. But whichever one you choose there’s limitations which you should know about. Paid marketing is expensive and 90% of your adverts won’t work. So it’s going to be a learning curve figuring out how to run successful adverts to promote your products.
Once you get it working, you can write you own pay check. But until that day it can be very frustrating.
E commerce share of retail sales 2015-2021
The alternative is free marketing strategies. Again this can be frustrating and you’ll need to be very patient and hard working. It can take month or even years before you can see a tangible result from a lot of hard work using free marketing strategies.
Most affiliate quit before they start seeing the results they want. Those who push through the difficulties and keep going can eventually earn money on complete autopilot!
Laptop Earnings – The Dream vs. Reality
In the laptop earnings advertisements you’ll see how you can build an income stream from your laptop and live the life of your dreams! In reality it’s a bit different! Although there are amazing results which can come from an internet business, only something like 3% of those who attempt it will actually build a full time income from the internet.
Why is this percentage so small? Perhaps because the internet is wide open and anyone can “have a go” at building laptop earnings. Perhaps also because the financial barriers to an online business are so much lower than those of a “bricks and mortar” physical type of business.
But it’s also because many people have false expectations of the ease with which they can build a successful online business. This, in part, is because of the marketing of many online “guru’s” who promote an online business as an easy fix; a push button strategy for quick riches! Don’t believe them, it’s hard work! But it can be done with the right attitude and a strong belief in yourself.
Laptop Earnings – Products
Choosing the right products for your online business is just as important, if not more, than choosing your marketing strategy. With the wrong products, your business can easily go under due to lack of income. Low value physical products, like you might find on Amazon, for example, offer only 3-11% commissions. Compare this to digital products which offer 40-50% commissions and you’ll see the difference.
A good product range also beats a single “stand alone” product too. With only a single product in your sales funnel, your average customer value will be much lower than with a product range. A range should have multiple high value items and recurring commission products too. Recurring commission products are things like memberships and software products.
Product range attributes for a good sales funnel:
Multiple Digital Products
Entry Level Products (Low Value)
Mid Level Products (Greater Value)
Recurring Income Products (Memberships)
High Ticket Items (High Value Products)
Multi-tier Commissions – (Earn commissions on sales made by your referrals)
Wouldn’t it be great to have an automated income system website which brought you money day in, day out, on complete autopilot? For a long time I have strived to understand how websites could earn money. I even wrote an article on building a site to get free traffic.
But the sands of Google search results are always shifting. It’s difficult maintaining a place at the top of the search engines for long. Even the top “guru’s” say so!
This means you need to keep creating content and building back links in order to keep your website current and on top. Even months of work on a site won’t guarantee you continued traffic for long, much less sales. So what’s the key trick to creating an automated income system website?
Automated Income System Website – Free Or Paid?
Of course the best way to get results fast with an income system website is through paid marketing. But in order to use paid marketing, you need to have a good idea about what you’re doing. Otherwise you could end up spending a lot of money with no return. (join an online business community here).
With a Google compliant website, you can build a marketing “engine” which drives quality traffic into your sales funnel. From there you can promote a range of digital products to sell to your subscribers. Your marketing engine could be Google Adwords, YouTube or Facebook for example.
But in order to afford the more pricy marketing platforms, you’ll need a range of digital products which pay out again and again. This means either creating your own products or purchasing a high ticket sales funnel with pre-loaded products for you to sell.
Organic Traffic
Paid marketing and high ticket funnels are expensive and this is a no go for some. So what’s the alternative? Free traffic and affiliate products which are much cheaper or free. You can also find high ticket affiliate products which you don’t have to invest in too. Ideally use affiliate products which give you a recurring income.
With lower value products in your sales funnel, you won’t be able to afford the higher priced marketing platforms like YouTube and Facebook. But you can still make sales through a website or even a YouTube channel. You just have to approach your marketing strategy from a different angle.
Social media offers some great free marketing strategies too. Ideally use a combination of blogging and social media. Facebook groups offers a great way to find prospective customers if you find them in the right way and help them solve a problem with your content.
Whether you choose to build organic traffic to your website or use paid marketing is down to personal preference and your own unique situation. Bing is a good source of cheap paid marketing as a starting point. It’s worth doing a bit a paid marketing and some free organic traffic through blogging if you can.
But traffic is the main source of problems for beginner affiliates; or rather lack of it. Without traffic to your site, and targeted traffic, you’ll struggle making sales. You also need something to sell of course. Ideally use an recurring income affiliate product of some kind. Having a membership product or software product which offers an ongoing subscription can make your website more profitable more quickly.
But you also need to match your site’s content carefully to a product which is appropriate. Having the wrong kinds of products for you content can be fatal to an online business. You should identify your target audience and the topic of your blog early so you can choose the right products for your blog.
Automated Income System Website – Converting Visitors Into Subscribers
Selling something from a website is tough. Most people use the internet as an information gathering tool. People do buy online but many are still nervous to buy; especially from a website they don’t know and trust. Sites such as Amazon and eBay have been around for a while and people trust them. But unknown websites have less authority.
So to get people to buy from you from your website, it’s important to build trust. Give people value and help them get what they want. Then they will build trust in you and might purchase something you have recommended. To do this you will want to give them something for free from your website. This can be a downloadable guide or freebie of some kind. In exchange for you “freebie” you can obtain their email address with which you can use to give them more value through a series of email follow up messages.
If someone visits your website, they only have a few minutes to decide whether to buy something from you. Most won’t, and will leave never to return. But if you get their email address, you can continue to build a relationship by giving value. You can then potentially sell something down the road. Weeks later and even months and years later, your subscribers can make a purchasing decision just because you obtained their email address.
Automated Income System Website – Why Most Fail
Most people who attempt to build an automated income system website don’t fail, as such. Rather they simply give up too early. Most new affiliate marketers will give up before their email list reaches 1000 subscribers. They see the lack of results as a fault in their business. But only 1-3% of people on a email list actually purchase something. So with a list of 100 that’s only 1 to 3 people who buy. With a list of 1000 it’s 10 to 30 and with a list of 10,000 it’s 100 to 300.
Your email list can grow beyond 100,000 too! So don’t quit! In addition, your product range can give you an ongoing income if you choose the right products. With low value products, 300 sales might not let you quit your job. But with recurring income products and high ticket items, you’ll be far more likely to be able to quit your job having made several sales a month.
Automated Income Website – Using The Right Business Model
Which brings us nicely to the business model and products you use in your sales funnel. Your website is only the front “shop face” of your business. Behind your website you should have a range of digital products which you can sell to anyone globally. This makes your automated income website a globally scalable business.
A good product range should have:
Recurring income products – subscriptions, memberships and/or software products
High ticket items – allow you to use paid marketing and more quickly scale up
A built in sales team – closing sales on your behalf
Multi-tier sales – earn income trickles from sales made by your referrals
Get the help you need and build an online business that lasts. Join an online community and access a digital sales funnel which offers all of these benefits. Access a free video series here to learn more.
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