Autopilot Living – Is Your Autopilot Lifestyle Working For You?

Are you living on autopilot? Is your autopilot lifestyle bringing you want you really want? Or do you feel trapped in your bubble of existence?

Most people are running an autopilot living experience and they don’t question it. We mostly experience the same kinds of repetitive patterns in our lives without really experiencing what we’re fully capable of.

Today we live in what should be the greatest time in history. We have access to more information through a mobile phone than ever before. We can summon a taxi from our phones and soon even flying taxis, no doubt! We can build businesses which give us time and financial freedom from our laptops and even work them from our mobile phones!

autopilot living - autopilot lifestyle

But we are mostly still stuck in old behaviour patterns which we have inherited. They keep us in a small limited world of our own creation. We haven’t grown beyond the traditional thinking of our ancestors as fast as technology has grown around us.

Autopilot Lifestyle – Running On Autopilot

Our beliefs keep us stuck. Seldom do we question the status quo because we have been conditioned to believe that life is just this way or that. Once the behaviour becomes habit over a number of years, it’s very difficult to break.

Working a 9 to 5 job is an example of this. People stick to their careers over years because they come to depend on their income. They don’t look for alternatives because they have no time left! They don’t even consider an alternative, let alone asking how to escape 9 to 5!

But we can change if we want to enough.

Autopilot Lifestyle – Making Change Happen

Change usually only happens after a long period of suffering. If life is ok, you put up with it. When life drags us down a little we simply justify it. No one can be happy all the time right? But when life continues to kick you while you’re down, you eventually break and change must happen!

At this stage is when people start looking for alternatives. What happens then? They look for ideas and come up against their own belief systems sabotaging them again!

If you find an opportunity to live anywhere and build a business from your laptop, for example, 90% of people will assume it’s a scam! They discount it immediately and this leave little options except to find similar work, go back to their old job and re-live their same patterns.

To change your life you need to change your paradigm. A paradigm is a belief system which controls your thinking. Most of us make sense of the world by building beliefs. From theses beliefs we can move forwards and build our lives. The problem arises when our beliefs no longer support our dreams and goals. We either succumb to the idea that we can’t have that, or we persevere through old beliefs and find something new.

Beliefs Control Habits

Your daily habits are the result of your thinking which in turn is the outcome of your beliefs. If you believe you will never escape poverty, you’ll act in accordance with this belief. If you don’t believe you’re worth a better or happier life, and that this is your ‘lot’, you’ll never strive for something more.

So uncovering your beliefs is a good step towards finding what drives your autopilot living and autopilot lifestyle. Ask yourself how you feel about yourself, what you think about work, money, love and relationships. Your answers will correlate directly to your current lifestyle, without exception.

Building An Autopilot Income And Living More Freely

Lots of people are already living very different lives of greater freedom and flexibility because of the internet. Take a look of the graph below which shows the growth in e-commerce sales (online sales) as a percentage of global retail sales. That line is set to continue in the same direction!

What this means for anyone who is interested is that they can be a part of this growing trend and actually earn a living directly from the internet. Laptop earnings mean people can leave boring and repetitive jobs, live anywhere and automate sales online. No more commutes, no more long hours doing difficult shifts! For many this is a huge draw!

But because most people are so set in their ways and beliefs, many won’t even consider this as a possibility for themselves.

Pretty soon though, many will be forced to look for alternative income streams when automation takes more and more jobs over the next decade or two.

So consider how much you have succumbed to an autopilot living, autopilot lifestyle which no longer serves you.