Autopilot Cash System

Everyone must think about building an autopilot cash system of some sort, right? Imagine a cash dispensing machine in your living room which churns out unlimited cash on demand. Sounds pretty cool! But what if there actually was an autopilot cash system which let you make money without having to go out and work for it every day in a job?

autopilot cash system

I dreamed about such a system after years of financial hardship and struggle and looked to the internet for some real answers. Initially, I used eBay to buy and sell but over time realised that this was only part of the answer. I was using the internet and my laptop to make money, sure. But I knew there had to be a better way where I could automate sales and deliver products over the internet to people all over the world.

Autopilot Cash System – My “Ebook” Discovery

I bought an ebook from eBay which gave me a “work from home” strategy which I used successfully for some time. Check it out here. But the ebook purchase itself was what really interested me. It was a digital downloadable product which I purchased over the internet and got immediately. It seemed like the perfect business model – selling a product on complete autopilot.

This had to be the answer – a downloadable product to sell online is effectively an “autopilot cash system”. I just had to figure out how it worked! I wrote a few ebooks myself but failed to sell any of them. So I took various online marketing courses to learn more about selling online. This led me to a business model known as affiliate marketing – selling other people’s products online.

Autopilot Cash Program – Affiliate Marketing

autopilot cash system

Over several years I studied various strategies for selling other people’s products on the internet – (affiliate marketing). Since I was pretty broke, I first looked for the cheapest methods, which I have to say are considerably more difficult than the more costly options. Cheaper options of selling products online include things such as:

More expensive options include paid marketing, purchasing a ready made sales funnel and using high ticket affiliate programs. See also the easiest online money making system for a beginner.

By automating the sale of digital products over the internet, you can effectively create an autopilot cash system which makes you money! But beware, this doesn’t happen overnight nor is it easy!

Autopilot Cash

The systems and strategies for selling products over the internet can be completely automated and scaled up to a global audience. But there’s many different strategies for selling products online and various kinds of products too! Navigating the plethora of online selling strategies is pretty difficult for a beginner looking to start out online. I made many mistakes and it took me years before I started making real progress.

One of the best strategies I found was using paid marketing and high ticket products. With low value products it’s very difficult to use paid marketing and come out on top. It’s easy to lose money while learning marketing. But ultimately if you don’t start generating a profit quickly, you’re going to lose money, rather than make it. So you need a good product range to recoup your spendings.

Online businesses that run on autopilot and generate profit will have a number of products to sell, not just one. Ideally choose subscription affiliate products which pay you over and over. And use digital products which can be sold anywhere and give the largest commissions. Physical affiliate products usually pay between 3% and 11% compared to 30%-50% for digital products.

A Sales Funnel & Digital Products

autopilot cash program

If you’re really serious about building an “autopilot cash system” you’ll need to get a sales funnel with a range of digital products in it. (Sign up for the video series on this site for more information).

But your work doesn’t end there. Once you have a funnel up and running, you’ll need to drive traffic (visitors) into it and make sales. This can happen automatically if you buy a ready made sales funnel which also has a follow up email marketing campaign.

But you’ll need to get your marketing right and this means finding the right kind of people to send into your funnel.

If you can generate a profit from your funnel using a scalable marketing strategy (like PPC – pay per click), you’ve got an autopilot cash system! Congratulations, you can start increasing your budget and therefore profit!

A good sales funnel will deliver a profit from even a small marketing budget. When you get to this point, you’ve done it! But most affiliates never reach this point. Many will give up long before they see any sales at all or even 1000 subscribers on their email list.

What Goes Wrong For Affiliates?

Building an “autopilot cash system” using a sales funnel and digital products is a great achievement. However, there’s many things you need to do to get this working effectively. You can spend years making mistakes and not quite getting there.

Target Audience

The target audience for a particular product needs to be very clear. If you’re unclear about who you’re sending into a funnel, you can waste a lot of time and money sending the wrong people into your marketing funnel.

Customer Journey

The customer journey is an important part of marketing a product online. People will lose interest if your sales funnel and marketing efforts don’t match up or are incongruent. Think about the process of purchasing something new from a shop, for example. If the sales people are sloppy or you can’t find what you want, you’ll go elsewhere. It’s the same with an online purchase. You need to feel assured that what you’re buying is the right choice. From advertising to landing page to email marketing campaign, your messaging needs to resonate with your customers needs.


It’s easy to lose faith in an online business at the start. You’ll be faced with many set backs on the journey to building a profitable online business. How you deal with these setbacks will determine whether you continue or not! Belief plays a huge part in this. Consider whether you believe in your business and how this will effect you going forwards.

Your “Why?”

Online business owners often had a very strong “why” before they started building their business. Unless you have a strong enough reason, it’s easy to give up on building an online business. If you hate you boss, your life or feel like you need something more, you’re more likely to pursue your business to its successful realisation. If you’re just “playing”, the roadblocks and difficulties may easily sway you into giving up.

Autopilot Internet Income

I always liked the idea of an autopilot internet income – an internet business that runs on autopilot; making me money while I was asleep! It took me a long time to make it anywhere near a reality though. I got stuck for a while doing an eBay system and then found affiliate marketing. I struggled for several years before finding some good mentors who taught me the easiest online money making system for a beginner.

There were times I gave up on thinking of the internet as a serious way to earn money. Most of my friends and family doubted the idea but I kept going through all the struggles. Eventually, there was light at the end of the tunnel, and I’d make a sale online. $100 online was worth more like $1000 working a job to me. It signalled something far better because although I worked for it, I saw the bigger picture. I knew it meant freedom: both time and financial freedom to make a living online.

Autopilot Internet Income: Strategies

autopilot internet income

I tried many strategies to make money from my computer. I was scattered in my attention for many years and this didn’t help. The fastest people to turn their online actions into cash were very focused. I wasn’t. I dawdled. Starting out I used eBay and bought and sold. But I knew this wasn’t a strategy which could be completely automated. So I looked for something else. The search led me to affiliate marketing and I made my very first sale selling a software product from a review I had written. I was like magic!

It was a short lived success though and I soon lost interest and was on to the next strategy. Blogging was something I did for some time, even without any monetary results for many months. One strategy involved a huge amount of keyword research and using advertising to monetise. That didn’t work well for me but I spent a long time chasing my tail to figure that out!

The fastest strategy I found were paid marketing and combining that with selling other people’s products through an email list. But I got a Google ban on my Adwords account and this sent me to another strategy yet again! I basically didn’t know what I was doing until I found an affiliate marketing mentor.

Affiliate Marketing

autopilot internet income

Affiliate marketing does work. It just doesn’t work for many people because they don’t know what they’re doing wrong. There’s many reasons why affiliate marketing does not work for many. Here’s a few of the main reasons why it didn’t work for me at the start:

  • I was too dizzy! I jumped from one strategy to the next without any direction (shiny object syndrome)
  • Too many strategies: I didn’t stick at any one strategy for long enough and give it enough time (impatient)
  • My own limitations and self created difficulties.
  • My belief hit rock bottom many times over – without belief in what you’re doing it’s an endless up-hill struggle.
  • Small difficulties became major roadblocks in my mind
  • Self doubt and fear
  • Going it alone

Much of affiliate marketing is about becoming the person you need to be to succeed online and build an autopilot internet income. I didn’t realise my own limitations were keeping me where I was. This is mindset stuff not technical stuff. When friends and family doubt your journey too, it’s difficult to build a belief in something you have no clue about! The answer is to get help and not go it alone!

Building A Sales Funnel

Building a sales funnel and paying to send people to it is the fastest online income strategy I’ve found. But there’s more to it than that of course. In order to afford to spend money on marketing, you need some good products. Plus you need the confidence in your strategy to spend money in the first place. There’s many things which can go wrong using the sales funnel strategy:

  • Using cheap products and paying for marketing – you’ll lose money every time
  • Targeting the wrong audience and paying for them to land on your sales funnel landing page.
  • Not testing your marketing before increasing your budget
  • Your customer journey loses them somewhere in the process – make sure you align your messaging so your customer journey is congruent.
  • Plus many more..

Ideally use a ready made sales funnel with a range of digital products in it. Why digital? Digital products are good because they offer the best commission rates and can be sold anywhere globally with no postage costs. So they make the best products to build an autopilot internet income with. In addition to finding and selling digital affiliate products you should also choose high ticket products and recurring commission affiliate products for your sales funnel. The more ways you have to earn from your products the better it is for you.

Autopilot Internet Income – Takes Time

Building an autopilot internet income takes investment, time and effort. You can do it on the cheap but this will generally take a lot longer to accomplish. (See how free websites make money). If you are serious about building a sustainable business from the internet sign up on this site to the free video series to learn more.

You’ll also be able to access my ebooks and an online business system.

I hope this article has been helpful. Please leave a comment if you have anything to add.

Autopilot Money Generator Free

Building an autopilot money generator free is a lot more difficult than creating one which works with a large investment. But for many building an income from the internet is something they come to when they have nothing, or at least very little money to start with.

When I looked to start earning from the internet, I was unemployed and looking for something very cheap at the most, but ideally free! My first small win online making an autopilot sale came from a free blogging site called With Hubpages anyone can create an account and start blogging. You can join Adsense too and monetise your content for free by placing adverts in and around your articles.

autopilot money generator free

Given time and dedication this can make you a few sales online, but it’s a long, slow process and many give up on it. However, if you want an autopilot money generator free, you’re going to have to put some serious hard work in to make it a reality.

Autopilot Money Generator Free – Reviews

You’ve probably heard about the 7 year old boy you makes $22 million a year using YouTube reviewing toys! It’s a reality for some using YouTube to make money and reviews are a great example of a free, or nearly free strategy which can make some serious money.

Review sites and videos work well with a business model called affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing you can earn commissions based on selling products you don’t personally own. You don’t need any product yourself to make money on the internet. But you do need people and a means to connect the right people to the products they want. Writing reviews or creating review videos is one of the best ways to do this.

In fact my first online affiliate sale came from a review I wrote on the aforementioned site Reviews work if you can get people to see them. Mainly this is because they lead people to products when they are in the very last stage of the buying cycle. This is something affiliates often get very wrong. They either build content which is a mis-match for their target audience, or they fail to effectively lead people to products to purchase. See also 23 affiliate mistakes newbies should avoid.

Autopilot Money Generator Free – Building A Review Website

To make an autopilot money generator free will take some serious work on your behalf. There’s easier ways of making money online if you have the cash. See easiest online money making system for a beginner. But since this is about free strategies, we’re going to deal with that. Building a review website isn’t completely free though. There’s a small fee for hosting and for a domain name. The rest is hard work. A hosting should cost you no more than $5 a month and a domain name is less than $10. If you don’t want to pay anything, there’s free websites you can use for your content:


However, it’s worth having your own domain and hosting for a couple of reasons:

  • Traffic – free website spaces are often penalised by the search engines and this makes it more difficult to get your content seen
  • Affiliate links are often disallowed on certain free platforms. With your own site you can link to whatever you like

Details on building your own website are given in this article on create free website make money.


YouTube is the obvious go-to if you want to build a following and make money without investing a single dime! You will need a means to record a video and an internet connection and a YouTube account. Assuming you have all of these, just start recording videos and uploading them to YouTube.

Remember there are millions of people already doing this, and YouTube is pretty massive. You’ll need to create a lot of videos to get noticed. Plus you also need to monetise your videos somehow. If you become popular, YouTube may even offer to pay you to become a regular contributor. But if this doesn’t happen, you can monetise your videos with either Adsense or affiliate marketing.

If you choose the affiliate route, which is a good idea, your videos should in some way relate to your audience. Ideally pick a topic close to your heart in which you can create a huge catalogue of videos from which to generate traffic from. Then lead your audience to an affiliate product or products which will help them.

Building A Niche Website

autopilot money generator free

Again a niche website is not quite free if you purchase a domain name and hosting package. But it’s pretty cheap and you’ve got a better chance of success with your own website than by using the free blogging websites. A niche website can be monetised with affiliate marketing products and targeted towards a specific audience who will benefit in some way from your choice of product.

The best blog niches to make money in will depend on you. Ideally choose a topic close to your heart which you can continue to create content in for the long term. A niche website should be targeted towards a specific interest and audience. You can then lead them to products which are appropriate and make money through your affiliate links. Getting people to their website is one of the biggest challenges for affiliate marketers.

See how to build a niche website and get free traffic.

Become A Blogger

A popular way to build an autopilot money generator free is to start a blog. Blogging is one of the cheapest strategies which affiliate marketers use to generate an income. You can also monetise a blog with advertising using Google Adsense or one of the other advertisers platforms. Blogging is something which requires a lot of work up front but which over time can start generating an income from work done previously.

autopilot money generator free

Building a blog takes some effort in the first instance. See steps to start a blog for profit. Bloggers write content regularly and aim to get their content ranking in the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) to get free traffic. If they achieve this, they can earn money from advertising on their site and from selling affiliate products to their visitors.

Autopilot Money Generator – Free?

The completely free strategies to build an autopilot income online are pretty tough. If you can invest in your own website at the very least it’ll make your life a little easier. One of the best cheap ways is to build a review website or create review videos and link through to affiliate products. If you can afford it, buy some autoresponder software and build an email list (See autopilot marketing). This makes your life easier still because you can start controlling your own traffic without relying on finding people through your efforts at content building all the time.

For more help with building an online business sign up to my email list and access a free video series and my ebooks: Niche Blogging For Profit, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners and The Ultimate Guide To Online Marketing.

Autopilot Money Generator

Wouldn’t it be great to have an autopilot money generator; money coming in by itself without having to trade all your time and effort in a job or career? Well for some savvy internet marketers this isn’t a fantasy, it’s reality. But what does it take to actually build an “autopilot money generator” and how does it work?

Autopilot Money Generator – Nuts & Bolts

The nuts and bolts of an autopilot money generator are put together as an online business which provides services and value. Products can be delivered automatically to anyone in the world through an internet connection. Millions of sales happen over the internet every single day. So putting yourself in-between the customer and the product is one strategy of making money from these transactions.

autopilot money generator

Anyone can jump on board this strategy as an affiliate marketer – even without any products or services of their own. They simply need to connect people with certain products which will help them.

Autopilot Money Generator – But How?

Learning the strategies to do this takes time and effort. However, this is the kind of effort which can potentially repay you in an autopilot money generator; if you stick at it long enough. Most affiliates quit within a year though. The few who stick with it can learn how to automate an income from anywhere if they choose the right products and go about it in the right way.

Autopilot Money Generator – Traffic: People On Your Content

autopilot money generator

One of the most important factors in generating money online is getting people on your content on the internet. This can be an advert, a blog, a video or even your social media channel. Affiliate marketers create an audience in some way and drive traffic onto a landing page where they collect their visitors email. They can then build a relationship with their subscribers over time and promote affiliate products.

Email Marketing – Building A Rapport With Your Subscribers

Email marketers build huge lists of emails and sell affiliate products to their subscribers. They do this by building a relationship and offering products which they think will be useful or of interest to the people on their email list. This whole process can be automated and messages can be sent out at preset times to deliver insight and information to people who have signed up for it. Links are placed in the emails leading subscribers to products and services.

Affiliate Marketing – Products

autopilot money generator

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular earning strategies on the internet. But there are many different types of products which you can choose to sell. Physical products can be found on many sites such as Amazon. Anyone can join Amazon’s affiliate program and learn how to sell products from the site.

But a quick look at the commission percentages can give you an insight into the types of products you should really choose to sell. With physical products for example you’ll earn from 3-11% on any sales, depending on what they are. With digital products on the other hand you can earn up to 50% commission on a sale.

Amazon’s affiliate commissions (check their partner program for current figures).

Recurring Income Products

Recurring income products are the best kinds to use; especially if you’re wanting to create an autopilot money generator! Recurring commission affiliate products are usually things like software products and memberships. These are often products used by online business owners themselves, which they need to properly run their businesses. Membership subscriptions are also great for affiliates because it gives them more than just a single commission on a sale. It can pay you potentially for a lifetime, if you choose the right products.

Large Value Digital Products

Large value digital products are a good idea for affiliate marketers for two reasons. They not only give you a large percentage commission on a sale, but also a larger profit than many items. With high ticket digital products you can benefit from commissions of up to 50% on products valued at $1000, $2000 and even up to $20,000 and $30,000.

autopilot money generator

This means your return on investment is much larger than for many affiliate products which you could choose from. As such you can more easily build a sustainable online business using paid marketing strategies.

Direct Response Marketing – Pay Per Click

Paid marketing is by far the fastest and easiest way for affiliate marketers to build a profitable business online. See easiest online money making system for a beginner. But to use paid marketing strategies you’ll need a good product range, not just a low cost item. Ideally, your product range will contain several strategies for earning money:

  • Recurring commissions from software and membership products.
  • High ticket items – Large value digital products you can sell online for large commissions.
  • A number of “up-sell” opportunities to promote products to your existing customers
  • A built in sales team – closing sales on your behalf (just refer the initial sale)
  • Multi-tier sales – earn commissions based on sales made by your referrals

With a sales funnel which contains all these earning strategies, it’s far easier to use a paid marketing platform and generate a profit. Compared to low cost physical products, this is a far simpler business system and strategy to use. Sign up on this site to learn more about building your own online business.

Autopilot Money Generator – Cost and Effort

So how much would you pay to have an autopilot money generator which runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week making you money for the rest of your life? How much effort would you put into a business which can give you both time and financial freedom? Building an online business which gives value to people (and keeps giving value over the long term) is the only way to build a sustainable business online. There’s many short cut business models which promise the earth and don’t deliver.

affiliate marketing for beginners

Building a business like this takes both financial investment and an investment of time. It’s not a magic bullet and even automated business models take time to set up and time to understand. So there’s a considerable effort and investment needed with a business model which delivers this.

Sign up on this site for more information and to access a free video series to learn more.

Make Money Online Autopilot

I searched for a “make money online autopilot” system for years before finding a strategy which worked! My first venture into online selling was was eBay. I bought and sold things using a miss-spelled search tool to find badly listed items. You can read about this strategy in this article “how to start a profitable ebay business”.

make money online autopilot

But it wasn’t a “make money online autopilot” strategy because it involved a lot of time and effort. I really wanted an autopilot strategy which could make repeatable sales online over and over and could be automated. I fist realised the huge potential of this after purchasing an “ebook” years ago and downloading it. It struck me as the best strategy to earn online. At the time I was intrigued but didn’t know how to do it myself.

Make Money Online Autopilot – Downloadable Products

The ebook seemed like the best solution to me so I went about creating my own. Unfortunately I couldn’t sell any of them since I didn’t know how! So I put myself on several courses online to learn. These all led me to a different business model known as affiliate marketing. Using affiliate marketing autopilot strategies, anyone can learn to sell things over the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on autopilot.

Affiliate marketing is basically selling other people’s products online. Without needing to service customers or deliver or handle products your only job as an affiliate is to refer customers online. This can be done in several ways such as:

Some of these strategies require more work than others. For the simplest make money online autopilot system see easiest online money making system for a beginner. This basically involves using paid marketing and sending people into a sales funnel – selling affiliate products. Cheaper marketing strategies require more work on the whole.

Make Money Online Autopilot – My First Affiliate Sale

My first affiliate sale came from a free marketing source – review writing. Writing reviews is one of the best strategies to get started with using affiliate marketing. This can be done fairly cheaply and even completely for free. See get paid for advertising online without a website. A review site can be built fairly cheaply or you can use free blogging sites like Reviews are generally the last thing a customer will look for before making a purchase. This makes it the perfect context for an affiliate marketer who is attempting to lead a customer to a product.

make money online autopilot

I wrote a review on Hubpages and sold a digital product. The product I chose was Xsitepro – a web building software which is long since expired.

Building A List Of Subscribers

Most affiliate marketers build a list of subscribers who they can sell products to “en-masse”. As their list grows, so does their income. Affiliates build email lists by offering some kind of giveaway to encourage people to subscribe. They then offer affiliate products to their subscribers.

With certain products you can earn much more than with others. For example, choosing recurring commission affiliate products to sell can make a huge difference. With a recurring commission product, you get paid over and over again if your customer purchases a subscription product. Compared to a single sale product, this can be much more lucrative. High paying affiliate programs also allow you to more easily use paid marketing to build a list and generate a profit. With low value products it’s much more difficult to pay for marketing and still generate a profit. See highest paying affiliate programs list.

make money online autopilot

A “make money online autopilot system” is also much better if some products you sell have a recurring commission. Even a simple recurring commission like $20 a month, for example, can soon mount up. As your number of sales grow, you can build a recurring income which continues growing as your membership numbers do.

Blogging And “Autopilot” Sales

Blogging is a cheap strategy which affiliate marketers can use to help them build an email list and promote affiliate products. It takes some time and effort but over time bloggers can reap the reward of an autopilot stream of traffic, subscribers and sales.

make money online autopilot

Bloggers write content which is suitable and related to the products they are promoting. The goal of a blogger is to have thousands of people visiting their blog content and signing up to their email list. They can then market products to them and make money from selling various affiliate products.

Some bloggers will choose a particular topic or niche to write in. They will choose appropriate affiliate products which are a good match to their audience. See best blog niches to make money.

The Ultimate Goal Of An Affiliate Marketer

The ultimate goal of an affiliate is to make a growing income from their work online. With a constant flow of visitors, subscribers and customers, and with products which offer recurring commissions, affiliates can grow their income without limits. Ultimately affiliate marketing does offer a means to create financial freedom and work for yourself. You can leave existing employment and never need an employer again!

However many affiliates don’t quite get there and quit before they even get any traction. Getting started as an affiliate and making your first sale is probably the hardest part of it. Once you’ve made a sale and learned a good strategy, it’s often enough to give you the understanding and motivation to continue with it long enough to succeed.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming an affiliate, sign up to the free video series on this website. You can also access a training program through the emails you’ll receive.

Autopilot Marketing System

Any business can create an “autopilot marketing system” through a website by providing a reason to sign up to a newsletter. This is what’s known as a legitimate bribe to a website visitor. I give you this free ebook, and you give me your email address, for example. Having a giveaway downloadable product, like an ebook, on your website is just one way to start building an email list. You can also offer discount codes, pdf downloads, video training and a whole host of other giveaways. See lead generation methods and strategies.

autopilot marketing system

Autopilot Marketing System – Marketing Platforms: Getting Traffic

Before someone lands on your website though, you’ll need to find them. There’s many ways to market a website:

autopilot marketing system

One of the cheapest ways to start building a steady stream of visitors to a website is through a blog. By blogging regularly around your chosen topic, you can find visitors through gaining the attention of Google’s (and other search engines) website rankings. See steps to start a blog for profit.

Email Marketing

If you don’t already have one, get an email autoresponder. An autoresponder lets you place some code on your website and collect the name and email address of your visitor. In exchange you can give them some freebie which gives them some value and a strong enough reason to subscribe.

autopilot marketing system

A good offer should help your visitors overcome any reluctance to give away their details. Unless you offer something which is clearly valuable to your visitors, they are less likely to subscribe in the first place. See how to increase subscription rate on your e-commerce website. Once you have successfully automated the ability to give away a ‘freebie’ in exchange for your website visitors’ details, you can move on to the next step of the autopilot marketing system: email marketing.

Autopilot Marketing With Email

A good way to set up your subscribers for continued marketing is by offering an email video series. With a “one-off” product, such as an ebook or download, your subscriber doesn’t have the incentive to open future emails. With a series of emails which deliver value in an ongoing way, you can begin to build a relationship in which your subscribers continue to open your emails as you send them out.

A good email marketing campaign will keep potential customers informed of products and services which you offer by continually sending out emails on an ongoing basis. Depending on your particular business, product or service, you may send out emails daily, weekly monthly or even yearly; or somewhere in between.

You can queue up a series of automated emails with an email delivery service. Once this is set up, it’s completely automated and will continue to deliver emails in the sequence which you decide. Some marketers will set up emails which are completely automated, and others will send out some “live” emails in addition. This is useful to let your subscribers know you’re actually present in your emails, and sending them out as an actual person, not a robot! However, you can completely automate the process if you wish.

Autopilot Marketing – Order Of SetUp

Setting up an autopilot marketing system is relatively easy. You need a website or landing page, an autoresponder and a marketing strategy: also known as a sales funnel. Of course you also need a product or service. If you don’t have anything to sell you can become an affiliate marketer and sell other people’s products instead. But what do you do first?

autopilot marketing system

Well, without people going into your sales funnel, you’ll never make any sales. Initially, you’ll need to set up your sales funnel. Once done, you need to concentrate on marketing. When you’ve built a steady stream of people who are joining your list (at least 10 a day), you can look more at building out your funnel and offering more value to customers. But before you get to 10 leads a day, have a at least 10 emails queued up in your marketing funnel so you can focus on what’s important first – marketing.

  • Set up funnel
  • Focus on marketing and getting 10 leads a day consistently
  • Turn to providing more value through your emails
  • Test and measure and look at your data

Once you’ve got 10 leads a day you can build more email follow ups to provide more value to your subscribers. You can also cross test marketing strategies and look at your data. For example, you’ll be able to see which emails are opened more than others. Use these emails first in your series and test and measure different email titles to see which ones get the most attention from your subscribers.

Testing And Measuring

Online marketers continually test and measure their operating systems. By doing so they can see what strategies are working the best in terms of email opt in rate, email opening rate, advertising clicks and of course sales and subscriptions, if you have them. All this takes time and you’ll need data before you get to this stage. Only by marketing will you get people through your sales funnel in the first place so this is where you should start. Later on you can start to see a clearer picture of what is working and what isn’t. This should give you a focus to improve what needs work in your autopilot marketing system.

Here’s some things marketers will cross test and measure to get the best from their marketing systems:

  • Paid advertising – cross test similar adverts to see what works best, rinse and repeat.
  • Landing page information – cross test similar landing pages to find the best performing images, titles and colours etc.
  • Email marketing followups – Look for open rates from your subscribers. Some email titles are more enticing than others. Choose the best performing open rates and remove badly performing ones.
  • Website visitors and referring sites – if a particular marketing strategy works you should focus more on that and less on those which don’t perform.
online marketing strategies and secrets

Easiest Online Money Making System For A Beginner

What is the easiest online money making system for a beginner? As a total beginner, you really need to find a strategy which is mostly done for you. One such strategy is to use a ready made sales funnel, with a range of products already set up and ready to go.

Even with such as strategy, you still have to learn marketing and send targeted visitors into your sales funnel. A done for you affiliate marketing system will take a lot of the difficulties out of it though. So what is a “done for you” system and what actually is done and what isn’t? Before we go into that, let’s look at affiliate marketing.

affiliate marketing for beginners

Easiest Online Money Making System For A Beginner – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is perhaps the easiest online money making system for a beginner. Although there are many ways to do affiliate marketing; so it’s not quite as simple as that. For example, anyone can join Amazon’s affiliate partner program, and go about promoting products from the site. However, it definitely isn’t easy to sell products from Amazon.

Most of the products on Amazon will only pay you from between 3% and 11% commission as an affiliate marketer. This severely limits your options for marketing those products. With low value physical products you are limited to only using low cost marketing strategies which can limit your ability to generate traffic.

Organic traffic is tough to generate too. And as a complete beginner, it’s a long road to learn what strategies will work and which won’t. I definitely wouldn’t say that generating traffic organically falls into the category of Easiest online money making system for a beginner. Quite the opposite in fact. It’s probably one of the most difficult things to be successful at.

Amazons affiliate program commissions

Easiest Online Money Making System -Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the business model which lets anyone make sales over the internet. By promoting other people’s products and services, you can make commissions based on what you sell. You don’t need any products of your own either. So your only concern is generating sales through your affiliate links. Depending on the products you sell, you can use a number of different strategies to generate sales.

Some affiliate marketers create content (like this article), and others run paid marketing strategies. Some do a combination of both. YouTube is also a big pull for affiliate marketers who can generate lots of traffic by regularly posting videos and linking their followers to products and services which they would be interested in.

easiest online money making system

But, even though affiliate marketing lets anyone earn from the internet, most fail and give up. Less than 10% of people who start out online as affiliates actually make it their full time income. It’s more like 3% who actually succeed with an online business which becomes profitable.

An Online Business Model Which Is Scalable

So why is this? Why don’t more people succeed online? One reason is perhaps the ease of access with affiliate marketing. Anyone can join a course and call themselves an affiliate marketer. It’s far cheaper and more accessible than most physical businesses. A “bricks and mortar” business costs far more to start up. Plus, a physical business takes a lot more commitment. Most business startups know this. But a lot of affiliates don’t. So they try, and then give up when it gets tough or doesn’t work straight away.

One of the best things about an online business is the ability to scale up to a global audience. Without a scalable strategy, you’ll have your work cut out as an affiliate though. A lot of work can go nowhere if you’re unable to gain any traction. Free marketing strategies fall into this category. And since most affiliates start out because they don’t have a lot of capital, this can be one of the main reasons for a high drop out rate.

easiest online money making system

With a paid marketing strategy, you can scale up your business much more easily and quickly. With free marketing, it’s a much longer road to success. So the easiest online money making system for a beginner will involve paid marketing as a marketing strategy. You can still use free marketing, but it’s most definitely not the “easiest” way to build a profitable online business.

A Scalable Strategy Requires Larger Value Items And Recurring Commission Products

With low value items like you’d find on Amazon, it’s very difficult to use paid marketing. You would easily lose money attempting to run paid adverts to send people to low value items on Amazon. You need a different business model in order to recoup your advertising spend.

online sales system

If you use high value items and recurring commission affiliate programs, you’re much more able to recoup your advertising spend and make a profit.

Ideally, use a high ticket sales funnel which offers multiple payment strategies such as:

  • High value digital products – High value because you can earn more per sale and digital because you can earn a larger percentage of the sale price. Digital products pay much larger commissions (up to 50%), compared to 3-11% for physical products.
  • Recurring commission products are things such as memberships and software products. They pay you ongoing commissions from each sale.
  • Multi-tier sales give the option of earning from sales made by your referrals. This means if you build a large team of referrals, you can earn commissions based on their business sales.
  • A range of products. Most affiliate products only pay you once. If you choose instead to sell a range of products, you can benefit from long term customers who can purchase products much later on. If you have referred them, you’ll earn commissions from sales made to them even years later.

With a business model like this, you can set up your sales funnel and run paid adverts, sending people to a variety of products and services which can help them the most.

What Do You Do With A Business Like This?

Once you set up a sales system, in a business like this, your main job is advertising. This is the main skill of an affiliate marketer. Most affiliates run a few adverts which don’t work and so they quit. This is a big mistake because once you find a profitable strategy to market your sales funnel, you can simply increase your daily budget to make more sales. Over time, when you get this right, you will have a business that runs on autopilot.

easiest online money making system

Getting to this stage require some time and effort however. You can join an online community and learn how this can be done on this website. Simply sign up for the free on-demand video series to learn more.

How Easy Is Marketing?

It takes time and effort to learn how to market a sales funnel. Even if you have a ready to go sales system and business set up with a range of digital products which you can earn from. However, if you are serious about building an online business, you can learn from an online community which will dramatically reduce the difficulty of building a profitable online business.

Most of an affiliates marketers efforts will fail! That sounds pretty dismal but it’s not plain sailing! Initially as a marketer you should expect to have some failures. But if you have the mindset of learning from every failure, you’ll keep going long enough to succeed. Marketing isn’t easy and there’s no magic formula. Even with a largely done for you sales system, you’ve got to put in the hours in order to generate sales.

Access an online community and a ready made sales funnel and business system to get started here.

Autopilot Earning

Autopilot earning is something which usually happens after you’ve either invested in something or built an autopilot earning system, such as an online business. An online business lets you automate most of the systems within the business system; so when you’ve got everything running, it largely runs by itself.

autopilot earning

A simple example of this is to use a high ticket coaching funnel. With a sales funnel, you have a number of digital products to sell via email marketing. Your marketing strategy sends targeted visitors to a landing page where you collect your subscribers information. From there you follow up with a series of automated emails recommending products and services.

If someone from your email list should purchase a product, you earn a commission on the sale.

Autopilot Earning – Spend First

Before you can get to the stage where you’ve effectively created an autopilot earning system or an autopilot income system, you need to build the system which will deliver the digital products. This involves either creating your own, or purchasing a high ticket sales funnel with a number of products already in it. Once set up, you need to build a marketing engine to drive visitors into your funnel. This takes some testing and measuring to get right, and at first you should expect to spend some money learning how to best target your perfect customers.

autopilot earning

Once you get the measure of a good marketing budget, you’ll be able to send people into your funnel and convert your email subscribers into customers. With a good product range, you’ll be selling products which give you multiple sources of income:

  • High ticket products – Certain training and education programs offer much larger commissions than some affiliate marketing products. See high paying affiliate programs list.
  • Up-sells – Many affiliates make the mistake of only selling one product. They then have to sell them continuously to keep making money. With a product range, you can benefit from your customers if they purchase another product from a range, even years after their initial purchase.
  • Multi-tier – Multi-tier affiliate programs let you earn an income from sales made by your referrals. This is a great form of passive autopilot earning if you have built a team who go on to build a huge business of their own.
  • Membership products – Memberships and software products give you a strategy to earn ongoing commissions from every sale. So even with a low priced monthly item, you’ll still get autopilot earnings from work you’ve already done.

Content Marketing Vs. Paid Marketing

Start with a sales funnel and range of products to deliver (sign up on this site to learn more and access). You’ll be able to send people into your sales funnel and make sales over the internet. But before you can make any “autopilot” earnings you’ll need to sell affiliate products. With affiliate marketing you get paid on a performance basis. No sales equals no commissions. On the other hand if you can generate sales on a regular and consistent basis, you can also scale up an affiliate business.

autopilot earning

This is done by either creating content or using paid marketing to send people into your sales funnel. Depending on the strategy you use, an autopilot earning system can be running fairly quickly. With paid marketing, you can very quickly generate some traction with an online business. Content marketing tends to take much longer because you’ll generally only find a few leads from each piece of content you create.

However, content marketing can act as a form of “trickle” marketing which continues to bring in leads and sales long after it is created. With paid marketing, you need to keep paying in order to keep generating leads. Unless you start making money quickly, this can get costly fast!

Autopilot Earning – Subscription Products

One of the best ways to generate autopilot earnings from the internet is through the use of subscription products. With a subscription, you get paid continuously for previous sales. So you’ll keep earning from sales made previously if your customers maintain their subscription. See recurring commission affiliate programs for more on this.

You can access an on-demand video series which will explain more about how to use a digital sales funnel to generate an income online. Sign up on this site using the form below/to the side.

Affiliate Marketing Autopilot

Having an affiliate marketing autopilot business is something many affiliates aspire to have. It’s a great idea too, if you can make it work. However, as most affiliate marketers know, to get to this stage requires a lot of work! Affiliate marketing can work on autopilot, but there’s a lot involved first to get the wheels of an affiliate business running. Once you get it running, you don’t have to do much else. Money and sales come in, and you benefit from the work you have done previously!

Affiliate Marketing Autopilot – What Does It Take To Build An Autopilot Affiliate Business?

email marketing -

Many affiliates are hardwired to be workaholics. Building an affiliate business that works takes a certain type of dedication, too. If you can get yourself through the tunnel though, things can work by themselves. There’s more than light at the end of the tunnel to be found, too! There’s financial freedom potentially for affiliates who stay the course and don’t give up. Many will give up of course and less than 10% of new online business owners will actually make the course. More like 3% in fact!

There’s a few tactics which long term affiliates use to their advantage beyond the obvious autopilot money making software used in their business systems. Most affiliates will use a combination of blogging, video and paid marketing techniques to get their products in front of a scalable audience. This is a large part of the skill of course and those who quit usually do so because they can’t get their marketing methods to work.

If they do, and they can automate the process, they’ve built a largely automated business which will run without them! That’s pretty huge when you think about it. No more commute, no more bosses. You will Never have to work in a job ever again. And you have the ability to live anywhere in the world! The implications are pretty vast if you can make an online business work for you.

Tricks Of The Autopilot Affiliates

affiliate marketing autopilot

So what kinds of business model do you use to create an autopilot affiliate business? I wish I had asked this question many years ago. Unfortunately I spent years promoting the wrong kinds of products and using the wrong marketing strategies too! Just by using recurring commission affiliate programs, for example, you can get a huge head start on other affiliates who are doing the same as you.

Imagine selling a single physical product once a month from a blog. If you choose to sell a book from Amazon, you’re likely to earn less than $1 a month from a sale. However, if you sell recurring commission products, you can earn $20 a month from each customer. So after 100 sales you’ll either have $100 in total, or a recurring commission of $2000 monthly. You can work your ass off for either but it’s obvious which one is the best bet!

An affiliate program which offers recurring income is a good start. But you can also benefit from using product ranges, rather than selling a single product. High commission affiliate programs pay much larger commissions than most. Digital products pay around 30-40% commission compared to physical products. These are just a few of the strategies used by affiliates who have built affiliate marketing ‘autopilot’ businesses.

Affiliate Marketing Autopilot – What’s Not On Autopilot

affiliate marketing autopilot

What’s not autopilot about an affiliate business is the set up. You can set up an advertising platform, purchase a ready made sales funnel and even automate emails to send out to your subscribers. But you will need to test and measure your advertising and ‘tweek’ your marking accordingly. The fastest way to build an online business which has automation built into it is by using a digital product range and marketing with a scalable strategy. This isn’t cheap and if you’re looking for a cheaper alternative, expect to roll up your sleeves and spend a good deal of time creating content.

Blogging, for example is an example of a slow marketing strategy. Unless your content goes viral very quickly, you can expect to be writing for a long time before you can see money coming in – especially on autopilot. However, that being said, as your reach increases and with a good strategy, you can see traffic, leads and sales coming in from content you’ve created years earlier. The more content you have out there, the more the likelihood if it getting found.

What Goes Wrong For Affiliates?

Many affiliates start out with the idea that building an autopilot business online is an easy thing. It’s not! It’s easy to get distracted by the many different courses and strategies you can use to generate content, sales and leads. You need a good blueprint to work to as an affiliate and you need to stick to it long enough to see the results. Otherwise it’s far too easy to give up.

affiliate marketing autopilot

Well meaning relatives and friends will doubt your mission too, which won’t help you gain trust and belief in what you’re doing. Unless you have a strong belief if what you’re doing as an affiliate, and follow it through to the end, it’s a difficult path for even the toughest entrepreneur! When you start out as an affiliate, your inbox will be full of conflicting information. People will promise you easier results than the path you’re already on. You’ll lose momentum and switch paths. There’s many more mistakes you can make as an affiliate too.

Affiliate Marketing Autopilot – Members

One of the surest ways to build an affiliate business which will eventually run itself on autopilot is to use membership products and help your members achieve success. Online business owners need software too. Email autoresponders are one of the most vital pieces of an affiliate marketers “took kit”.

Once someone starts making their living from affiliate marketing, and you’ve helped them get there, you will most likely have made a loyal customer for life. This means that even if you only make a membership commission of $20 a month, you have still made an income and not just a commission. With a scalable marketing strategy up your sleeve too, you can find many more like them.

High Ticket Products

affiliate marketing autopilot

High ticket products are pretty important too for an online business. Unless you want to be creating content forever, you’ll need to use some paid marketing to scale up your business. You can use free strategies of course but they will take much longer.

With a high ticket product range, you can more easily recoup your advertising spend as you make sales. With smaller value products and lower commissions, this is much more difficult. In fact, many of the more expensive marketing platforms will be out of reach without a high ticket program. Ideally use high ticket recurring commission affiliate programs.

Access An Online Training Resource

Learn more about affiliate marketing and getting started with your own online business. Access an on-demand training series here.

Best Blog Niches To Make Money

The best blog niches to make money are typically cited as “evergreen” niches which are massively popular. These are things within the categories of:

  • Making money online
  • Health and fitness
  • Relationships/dating
  • Wealth building/personal finance
  • Personal Development

But getting a blog up and running with traffic in a niche like any of these is very difficult. You’re far better off digging into a micro niche within these niches if you’re going to choose a popular topic. Here’s some examples of micro niches within the topics described above:

best blog niches to make money
  • Making money online/affiliate marketing/personal development/mindset hack for online/small business owners
  • Health and Fitness/Losing weight/over 50’s home training exercises
  • Relationship/dating/breaking up/coping with losing a partner/getting over a divorce later in life
  • Wealth Building/personal finance/money saving tips/avoiding debt/how to get out of debt if you’re on a low income
  • Personal Development/Mindset hacks for happiness/meditation at home/meditation for the work at home Mum

Best Blog Niches To Make Money – Evergreen

An evergreen niche is a niche which can make money all year round. The top niches are those mentioned above. Other niches such as “growing tomatoes”, or “Christmas ideas on a budget” for example, will have a seasonal “peak” in interest. So the best blog niches to make money will have a year round appeal. If you pick a topic within a seasonal niche, you should expect to have peaks and troughs in your number of visitors throughout the year.

Best Blog Niches To Make Money – Your Biggest Problem

best blog niches to make money

The biggest likely problem you’ll find once you choose a niche and start blogging is traffic (visitors to your blog). Many bloggers start out creating a blog only to give up shortly afterwards. Blogging is tough. You need to pick a topic you’re passionate about and can maintain interest in for the long run. Otherwise, you’ll likely run out of steam and lose interest far before you see any visitors, let alone sales.

So it’s a good idea to discover a topic you can run with, before you even start. Ideally build your blog around a specific keyword combination to give your niche a head start. This website, autopilot money making software, was built on those keywords specifically for this reason. You can read about how this site was put together piece by piece in this article create free website and earn money.

Alternatives To Popular Topics

Evergreen niches aren’t necessarily the best blog niches to make money in. If you have a passion or an interest in something else, consider looking into using it as your focus for a blog. Alternative niches often have much less competition than the mainstream ones. If you have a unusual hobby or interest which is less well known, it could be that you can more easily build a website on your topic which ranks highly on Google.

Some of the most lucrative blog topics are those which were un-tapped before they were built. Patt Flynn first introduced me to niche website building after finding an article on his site. He build a security guard training website. After doing some keyword research on the topic, he found the niche was relatively un-tapped. He read up on the topic and created a resource around it, offering products to help people become security guards in the US. Here’s the website he built, a number of years ago now.

You Don’t Have To Know Your Subject

Pat didn’t know about security guard training when he started out either. So you don’t have to be super knowledgable about your topic. However, it will help you if you have a topic you already know about. Writing about something you don’t know about takes much longer. You need to research your topic for everything you write.

I built a site around the keywords “When To Harvest Mushrooms”. I knew nothing about the topic but managed to get my site to the top of Google for its keywords. However, I lost interest in blogging about the topic, and let my site die a slow death! Other more passionate bloggers took the top spot and I didn’t really make money from the topic since it wasn’t a good niche. The topic wasn’t evergreen and half the year it didn’t get any traffic. Plus, it was difficult to monetise too.

It’s better to choose a topic you love, especially now. There’s much more competition on Google nowadays than there was 20 years ago. So building content is pretty important if you want anyone to find your site. This is far easier if you know something of your topic, and can keep going when you are running low on enthusiasm; which will definitely happen!

Making Money From Your Blog

best blog niches to make money

Monetising your blog is another consideration you should think about before starting. My blog about mushroom harvesting was difficult to monetise. What products can you sell to mushroom harvesters? Ideally find products which offer ongoing support and value and which pay you a recurring commission. Recurring commission affiliate programs are a much better way to monetise a blog than standalone products which only pay you once.

I made the mistake of selling low cost physical products from my blogs. But you’ll need to sell thousands of them in order to make a half-decent living. With recurring income products, you only need to sell a few of them to make a nice trickle income which can be built upon. Subscription products are generally digital affiliate products such as memberships and software items.

See best paying affiliate products for more on this.
