Who am I? Hey, my name’s Tim Halloran and I became an affiliate marketer several years ago. Affiliate marketers promote other people’s products and offer content and advice which may help other people on a similar journey.
I wasn’t always an affiliate. I became an affiliate marketer because nothing seemed to suit me. I had tried many jobs and a couple of careers but I was always broke and miserable!
At 38 I was working in a builders yard for minimum wage and I knew something had gone wrong. I had trained to become a stuntman years earlier, but struggled to get work. Here’s a picture of me on my first job. I’m in the white shirt doubling Rhys Ifans. I also run a Wing Chun class in Leeds – check out the website here.

A New Direction
Having worked for several years as a stuntman, I became dismayed that the work wasn’t enough to keep the wolf from the door. I took many part time and temporary jobs to fill in the gaps. My work life balance was all over the place and my relationships were a mess!
I realised I had to do something so took to the internet to find something more fulfilling.
Working online in the gaps between work seemed like the perfect solution to frustration and lack of money. It took some time though before I was able to make money from affiliate marketing. At first I tried many strategies and had no luck at all.
My first sale came from an article I wrote on Hubpages – a free article marketing site. I wrote about a product I had bought to help me build websites. With WordPress, and new technologies to help people build site, the software is long since obsolete.
I wouldn’t recommend using free article sites but if you’re really strapped for cash it’s an option. I wrote an article to help people build their first website here. It’s one of the first skills I learned from taking many online courses.
Finding An Online Business System That Works
Despite many set backs I persevered with the online business idea. I tried many tactics over the years including building organic traffic and using paid strategies.
Eventually I found an online business community who offered something different. They were actually real and there was the ability to meet up with real people close to where I lived!

This was pretty awesome because for years I had joined courses and internet “gurus” always seemed very illusive; always hiding behind their computers! With this community I was able to meet the founders and other members who could help me.
You can access the same online business system and community I’ve found to help me the most here.