Looking for money making loopholes you can use to make money online? While earning money online is completely legitimate, especially when done right, it can indeed seem like a loophole! I searches for several years for a means of earning online and found a few strategies you might call loopholes.
After a couple of years struggling with Forex marketing, I turned my attention to eBay. If found a clever eBay “hack” which allowed me to find cheap items selling for much less than they were really worth. I bought them using a tool called auction sniper, which meant I could snag a bargain for a fraction of its real value. I would then re-sell the item with a much better listing to attract more bidders, create a bidding war and massively capitalise! Here’s how it works.
Money Making Loopholes – eBay
First you need to do some searching using a tool called bargainchecker.com There’s a few misspell tools you can use in conjunction with eBay, but I found this one to work just fine. A quick Google search will show you how many of these tools are out there.

What bargainchecker.com and other such tools do is find misspelled items listed on eBay. Because they are misspelled, they aren’t getting the volume of traffic they should.
So if they are listed with a low starting bid, you can pick them up for a bargain. I found small electrical items to be the best. Larger items tended to incur larger postage fees which made them more difficult to make a profit on. I also sold designer labeled clothes and jewellery is a good small item too which you can make more money on by reselling.
Once you find an item which is worth bidding on, check on eBay advanced search the kinds of price your item is selling for. To do this click on advanced search next to the blue search bar at the top of the eBay page. Scroll down and check the box for completed listings.

Bidding On Your Bargain Item
Before you dive in and start bidding, remember your bid is likely to alert other bidders that someone else is interested in the item. You don’t really want to do this because it’s likely to push up the price and start a bidding war. Instead, decide on your maximum bid which will give you a nice profit when you come to sell. Head over to a website called auctionsniper.com and put in your max bid after creating an account. You can simply paste in the eBay item number to do this, which only takes a minute once you’ve set up an account. You’ll find this in the item description.

You don’t want to win every single auction or get caught up in a bidding war. You really only want to “snipe” those bargains which you can make a profit on. By doing your research you find these little diamonds in the rough and re-list them for a tidy profit. Once you have won an auction, re-list the item with a better pictures, better description and of course the correct spelling. By using as many keywords as possible in your description too, you’ll attract more bidders. If you do this right you should make a mark up on each item you sell.
I used this eBay money making loophole for several months and made a profit on nearly every item. The only one which didn’t broke even and only because I was more honest than the previous seller about the condition of the Berghaus rucksack I was selling. Clue: name brands do well with this strategy!
Money Making Loopholes – Selling Online
After using this eBay loophole for some time I decided there must be a better way to make money online. After all, my room was full of stock and I was spending a lot of time on my eBay strategy but it wasn’t bringing in enough for all the work I was doing. While you can start selling more and more expensive items, I was looking for something better than this, something which could be automated.

The original eBay idea had come through the purchase of an eBook from eBay and I decided this would be worth a try. Selling a digital item can be automated and re-sold again and again on complete autopilot.
While selling your own ebook online is a simple loophole for making money online, the hard part is getting traffic to your website. After creating an ebook and attempting to sell it from my site, I bought a few online marketing courses in a bid to learn this skill. This led me to the discovery of another online money making “loophole”. The model is called affiliate marketing.
Money Making Loopholes – Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is what I consider to be the “ultimate” money making loophole. You can sell in bulk to thousands of people all over the world. What’s even better is that you don’t need to touch a single product or speak to a single customer! So how does affiliate marketing work?
With affiliate marketing you become the third party in the online selling process. Through using various means including blogging, paid marketing or email marketing, affiliates recommend products and services all over the world. When someone makes a purchase through your affiliate link, you earn a commission based on the sale.

There’s many products and services you can use as an affiliate and many ways to promote them. The key to being successful as an affiliate is to find the right products and method/s of marketing them which works for you.
Money Making Loopholes – Blogging & Affiliate Marketing
Blogging is just one strategy you can use in conjunction with affiliate marketing to make money online. A clever blogging hack is to find long tail keywords with low SEO competition. Then write articles for those keywords to get free traffic from the search engines. Sell affiliate products through your blog posts.
You can also use an email marketing autoresponder to help you do this too. Affiliates use email autoresponders to collect subscribers onto a email list. They then send messages to their list to build trust and promote affiliate products. You can also use email marketing in conjunction with paid marketing if you don’t have the time or inclination to become a blogger. See also autopilot leads.

Fastest Strategy To Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing
After a lot of searching I eventually found what I now consider to be the best way to make money online. Simply put:
- Use a high ticket sales funnel – a range of high ticket digital products you can sell globally
- Email marketing – send paid marketing to a landing page and collect your email subscribers
- Sell your products to your list though building trust and offering value.
You can access a high ticket sales funnel through the online business coaching program I found in 2014. Access a video series to learn more here.