Discovering how to make laptop earnings is pretty exciting! It means you can leave your job and never have to commute again, or work for a boss. But once that excitement wears off there’s a lot of work to be done to make it a reality. When I made my first online sale, about 10 years ago, I thought I’d made it in life! Unfortunately it was a short lived success. Many failures followed and I wasn’t out of the woods yet!
I had to go through a lot more struggle and uncertainty before things really came together.
Laptop Earnings
When I first started looking for ways how to earn money with a laptop and internet connection, I used eBay. I did manage to make regular profits too. But the model wasn’t what I really wanted. I was tied to my computer all day and was barely making a living. I bought and sold items using a misspell tool. This let me find bargains which I could sell on for a profit. But I had a room full of stock and I was constantly searching for items or listing them to re-sell.

I later discovered a much better option. Affiliate marketing uses other people’s products and for some of them you can earn up to 50% commission. What’s better was that you don’t need to physically post anything yourself and once you made a sale, you don’t have to deal with any customers either. It was a much better strategy.
The main problem was getting the sales. Before sales came leads and before leads came traffic.
If you’re going to start making laptop earnings you need traffic in order to make any sales. There’s many ways to get traffic but they all fall into the following two strategies:
- Paid marketing
- Free strategies
Paid marketing is fast and free marketing tends to be very slow. But whichever one you choose there’s limitations which you should know about. Paid marketing is expensive and 90% of your adverts won’t work. So it’s going to be a learning curve figuring out how to run successful adverts to promote your products.
Once you get it working, you can write you own pay check. But until that day it can be very frustrating.

The alternative is free marketing strategies. Again this can be frustrating and you’ll need to be very patient and hard working. It can take month or even years before you can see a tangible result from a lot of hard work using free marketing strategies.
Most affiliate quit before they start seeing the results they want. Those who push through the difficulties and keep going can eventually earn money on complete autopilot!
Laptop Earnings – The Dream vs. Reality
In the laptop earnings advertisements you’ll see how you can build an income stream from your laptop and live the life of your dreams! In reality it’s a bit different! Although there are amazing results which can come from an internet business, only something like 3% of those who attempt it will actually build a full time income from the internet.
Why is this percentage so small? Perhaps because the internet is wide open and anyone can “have a go” at building laptop earnings. Perhaps also because the financial barriers to an online business are so much lower than those of a “bricks and mortar” physical type of business.

But it’s also because many people have false expectations of the ease with which they can build a successful online business. This, in part, is because of the marketing of many online “guru’s” who promote an online business as an easy fix; a push button strategy for quick riches! Don’t believe them, it’s hard work! But it can be done with the right attitude and a strong belief in yourself.
Laptop Earnings – Products
Choosing the right products for your online business is just as important, if not more, than choosing your marketing strategy. With the wrong products, your business can easily go under due to lack of income. Low value physical products, like you might find on Amazon, for example, offer only 3-11% commissions. Compare this to digital products which offer 40-50% commissions and you’ll see the difference.

A good product range also beats a single “stand alone” product too. With only a single product in your sales funnel, your average customer value will be much lower than with a product range. A range should have multiple high value items and recurring commission products too. Recurring commission products are things like memberships and software products.
Product range attributes for a good sales funnel:
- Multiple Digital Products
- Entry Level Products (Low Value)
- Mid Level Products (Greater Value)
- Recurring Income Products (Memberships)
- High Ticket Items (High Value Products)
- Multi-tier Commissions – (Earn commissions on sales made by your referrals)
- Built In Sales Team
Learn more and access a similar digital sales funnel here.