What is an autopilot business system and how does it work? An autopilot business system uses a few strategies to promote and sell other people’s products. Affiliate marketing is the business model around which an autopilot business system can be built.
With the right affiliate marketing business model and support and training, anyone can use automation, the internet, and digital products and services to build a consistently growing income. So how is this done and what’s involved?
Autopilot Business System – The Right Products
Affiliate marketing is a business model in which the ‘affiliate’ is rewarded for referring customers to other people’s products and services on the internet. The best known affiliate marketing website is probably Amazon. Amazon is now pretty well known and trusted as a site to purchase goods from. Amazon also has an affiliate program which rewards its ‘partners’ for promoting and selling it’s products.
Although Amazon’s products are well tested and will sell, their affiliates only earn from 3-10% commissions from any sales they make. Digital products pay far more – 40-50% commissions on each sale. In addition to using digital products, using products which offer more ways to earn is a much better way to earn from an autopilot business system.
A Digital Business System and Sales Funnel

Ideally, choose digital products which offer:
Subscriptions – this is a major key to success with an autopilot business system. With subscriptions, affiliates can earn ongoing commissions for previous sales they have made. This lets the business grow more quickly than if the affiliate was to use only basic affiliate products. Choose subscription affiliate programs.
Up Sells
Up-sells – Not all affiliate programs are created equal. Most don’t reward you again after your initial sale. Amazon will pay you for the initial referral (and for anything else the buyer puts in their ‘trolly’ within a certain timeframe). But that’s it. You don’t get any repeat commissions if your customer returns the following month and buys a lot more. With a good digital business product range, you earn again for the lifetime of that customer’s purchases: even if you don’t personally close the sale and it’s sold by an in-house sales team, on your behalf.
High Commission Affiliate Programs
High commission affiliate programs offer larger valued items which you can earn up to 50% commission from. Items which sell for $20,000+ can earn you $8000 in a single sale. This means you can scale up more quickly and offset the cost of paid marketing more easily.
Multi-Tier Sales
Multi-tier sales – Give you the ability to earn from the sales made by your referrals. By building a team of affiliates, you can earn commissions based on their successes, as well as your own.
Digital Products
Digital products – offer the ability to automate sales and delivery to anywhere globally. In addition, there’s very little cost involved in delivery, storage or production (besides the initial set up costs) of digital products. This is way digital products can pay the larger commissions to affiliate marketers – up to 50% on a sale. Because the affiliate is doing the advertising for the ‘vendor’ product owner which amounts to a large portion of the cost of selling.
A Ready Made Sales Funnel
To create a range of digital products of your own which contains all of these benefits would be quite a task. Instead, purchase a ready made sales funnel which has everything in it mentioned above. You can also ‘position’ yourself with any number of the above benefits in your ‘virtual store’, according to your budget. See defy9to5.com/how-it-works
Promoting Your Virtual Store
Once up and running you’ll have a website, landing pages and an email marketing campaign which runs automatically, delivering emails and offering products to your email list. Get started here.
Once this is in place, you’ll need to promote your landing page and get people into your sales funnel where you can offer them insight and value through your email marketing campaign. You’ll also be able to sell a range of digital products and services and earn commissions from them.
This can be done in a number of ways, the most common being either content marketing and paid marketing. The fastest method is paid marketing. See book below:

Paid Marketing Vs. Content (Free Marketing)
Paid marketing isn’t cheap and content marketing isn’t fast! But you can also do some of each according to your circumstances. Content marketing will take longer to generate results from.
Paid marketing should be started with care, because you can still burn through a budget quickly if you don’t know what you’re doing. Ideally, join an online business community and learn from others who are already achieving the results you want from an autopilot business system.
When I started out with affiliate marketing, I only did content marketing. Checkout my ebook Niche Blogging For Profit below.