There’s a few ways to use free, automated money making software using a business model called affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is basically referral marketing on the internet. You can earn commissions on sales made to other people’s products. Depending on the product, you can make up to 50% and even 60% commissions on some products. Amazon is an obvious example of an affiliate marketing website. Anyone can join Amazon’s affiliate program, and promote and sell any product from their website for a commission.
How you do this will determine your level of success.
Free Automated Money Making Software – Which Products?
If you’re going the free route, you’ll want to choose products which don’t incur a cost. Clickbank is one of the best places to find digital products which can be promoted as an affiliate. See also my article clickbank autopilot money making software.
Why digital products? Digital products are good for affiliate marketing because they pay out larger commissions. With no postage, storage or manufacturing costs for the vendor (seller), those savings can be passed on to you (the affiliate marketer).
Digital products can also be accessed from anywhere globally, making them very versatile for growing your business internationally. Typically, Clickbank pays out 40-50% commissions. Compare this to physical products you might find on Amazon which pay out much less – typically 3-10% commissions. See chart below.

Free Software? Where Is It?
So where’s the free automated money making software you say? I know, I know. I’m coming to that!
One of the best free ways to automate sales to digital products online is through blogging. Blogging isn’t a magical system which runs by itself though; sorry to disappoint. But if you want free money, you’ll have to put the work in! That’s the catch with a free strategy. If you want faster results, you’ll need to use a different kind of strategy. Ideally use high commission affiliate programs and paid marketing strategies. That way you’ll get more traction more quickly.

But this article isn’t about that. It’s about free automated money making software. So I’ll get on with it! To create completely free sales online you’ll need to use a free blogging site such as Hubpages, lets you create content and use blocks which you drag into your content. These blocks can be monetised with affiliate marketing, eBay, Amazon and Adsense. Adsense lets you put advertising on your content and earn money from the clicks you get from your visitors.
Amazon and eBay are both affiliate programs which you can join and integrate with Hubpages to earn money from sales made through your content.
Hubpages has a few rules though which can limit how you earn money through the site. Earlier I recommended Clickbank. However, Hubpages sometimes limits affiliate links to sites such as Clickbank. However they do allow you to use Adsense, eBay and Amazon affiliate links within your content. See the Hubpages user agreement for the latest terms and conditions.
Want To Use Clickbank?
So, with Hubpages you may not be allowed to use Clickbank products. Not directly anyway. This is due to the large number of new affiliate who write content only with the intention of driving traffic to affiliate offers.
They don’t create valuable content and so Hubpages stops it from happening. The same is true of building your own website and attempting to rank it with Google. Google don’t like shady practices either, and won’t give your site any ranking ‘juice’ if all you do is post spammy affiliate links and provide little of value.
If you want to build your own site, it’ll cost you a few dollars, so technically it’s not entirely free! If you want free automated money making software, as the title suggests, you’ll need to use Hubpages or another free blogging tool. Another limitation with free websites like Hubpages or Weebly for instance, is that Google doesn’t rank content built on a shared hosting platform like those ones.
Build Your Own Website
To get around this issue you should build your own website. See my article Create Free Website and Earn Money. This can be done by purchasing a domain and hosting your website. $10 for your domain name and less than $10 a month for hosting.
Where’s The Automation?
There are two main parts to automating an online business with affiliate marketing. First you need customers, or traffic. No one will visit your content unless you promote it, or unless Google ranks it on the free search engines. This is what you need if you’re going for the free strategy. This means building content and sharing it as much as possible. See Niche Blogging For Profit. If you want traffic fast, you’ll need to buy it.

Part One Traffic – Automating Sales
To automate online sales you need to send people (website traffic) to affiliate products and make sales. The products have already been created and many of them create sales pages and landing pages which affiliates can use in their own marketing.
To generate traffic you can do two things:
- Pay for it
- Create content
Part Two – Selling Products
Choosing the right products to promote is pretty important for affiliate marketers. If you’re going for the free traffic route, you’ll need to build content and this takes time.
Pick a topic which you know something about or have an interest in. That way, you’ll be able to write more easily and for longer. Choose products which you would buy yourself and which you have some affinity with. That way it’s easier to promote them and you’re not being incongruent with your audience – something which they can ‘smell’! Why would they buy your recommended products if you won’t!?