What is the best autopilot money making software? There’s all kinds of so-called ‘autopilot’ money making software; from Forex marketing ‘robots’ to affiliate marketing software and clickbank autopilot money making software. But which software actually works and makes you money? And how much of it is on autopilot and how much of it requires heaps of work?
The ‘best’ autopilot money making software is software you can use as part of a larger business model. And that business, for me is affiliate marketing. If you don’t know what affiliate marketing is, it’s basically selling other people’s products over the internet.
The more you sell, the more money you make. But it’s also the kinds of products you sell too, which determines how well you can do.
Best Autopilot Money Making Software – What Is It?
Any software you use in affiliate marketing which can be automated can be called autopilot money making software. Just because you use it, doesn’t mean you’ll automatically make money. Most of the so-called ‘autopilot money making systems’ are really only courses which you pay for.
Here’s a few software’s which affiliates use to automate their businesses:
Autoresponders – autoresponders are email marketing service providers which allow affiliates and businesses to build a list of subscribers and automate delivery and collection of emails and email addresses.
Hosting Providers – Hosting software platforms let online marketers and business owners build a website which can run continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Advertising Platforms – Allow marketers to build a stream of traffic to send directly to a landing page or website. These include many but here are a few: Facebook, YouTube, Adwords, Bing, Linkedin, Twitter etc.
Landing pages software – landing pages software can let you build custom made landing pages with your own images and detail which are most appropriate for the products you promote.
Website Building Software – You can get a website built and integrate a ready made sales funnel with a range of products and services to offer. Click on image below for details.
Best Autopilot Money Making Software – Products To Promote
To build a successful online business, you can’t rely on ‘autopilot’ software to do the job for you! Even though there are lots of empty promises for such software online, the truth is a much more mundane version of this. Yes you can use autopilot software to build an online business.
It can eventually run on (near) autopilot, without much work on your part. But you’ll need to build it first before you can reap the rewards. This take time and effort; so if you’re looking for quick fixes and magic bullets, this definitely isn’t for you!
The best products to use as an affiliate marketer are those which continue to pay you long after you have referred your customer and made your first sale. Ideally choose subscription affiliate productswhich continue paying affiliate commissions if your customer maintains their subscription.
Ideally you should also get a product range which you can promote. A good product range will include:
Multi-tier sales commissions – Choose a program with multi-tier sales commissions and you can earn commissions based on the sales made by your referrals.
Up-sells – Having a range of products to offer means you have products within a series to offer existing customers. Sales are closed by an in-house built in sales team and you earn commissions, even if you don’t personally close the sale. Providing you referrer the customer initially, you still get the commission for later sales.
Subscriptions – Subscriptions are the best products for affiliates to promote because they give you ongoing commissions for each sale.
Sign up to my email series for more information on this.
Successfully Promoting and Selling Digital Products
The best autopilot money making software is useless to you unless you can successfully combine all the elements necessary to build an online business which works!
The starts by building a High Ticket Sales Funnel, with a range of products in it (see above). Once you have your landing page and series of products in place and your autoresponder set to deliver a range of products, you are ready for the next step: promoting your landing page.
You can do this with another ‘autopilot money making software’ service which is in the form of a marketing engine. Paid marketing engines are the fastest way to generate traffic to a landing page. They also offer the most easily scalable method of automating online sales and increasing your traffic. However, it comes with a price and that price is both time and money. You’ll need to invest in learning which adverts work and bring you sales, and which ones don’t work at all; either with traffic, leads or sales.
Free Traffic – Takes Time
The other method of building a marketing engine to drive targeted traffic into your sales funnel is with content marketing. Creating content and sharing it is a common strategy which is used by many online marketers. Eventually, you’ll have a number of pieces of content which direct visitors into your sales funnel.
Generating content takes time and effort. You also need to share you content and link to it to gain any traction from this method. Blogging and creating videos are two of the best strategies which affiliate marketers use to generate free traffic.
If you’re looking for Clickbank autopilot money making software, you must know of Clickbank. Clickbank is a digital product ‘marketplace’ in which both sellers and marketers can earn money by either creating or promoting digital products to sell online.
Clickbank was the ‘go-to’ marketplace for beginner affiliate marketers. Affiliates can find products they like on Clickbank and promote them online to earn commissions based on the sales. Not everyone is a fan of Clickbank though. Many marketing platforms will ban you as soon as they see a Clickbank affiliate link. This, in part, is because Clickbank is the first place affiliates will go to find products to promote.
Why Clickbank?
As an affiliate marketer, I also started my affiliate journey with Clickbank. Affiliates can promote almost any product they can find on the internet. So long as the product has an affiliate program of some kind, affiliates can link to those products and earn commissions from the sale.
Physical products like you’d find on Amazon, for example, offer much lower commission rates to affiliates – see chart below.
As you can see, Amazon offers between 1 and 10% commission on physical products, depending what they are. Digital products, on the other hand offer much larger commissions. Digital products can be accessed immediately over the internet and this makes them very cheap to deliver. Physical products, on the other hand, need to be manufactured each time and stored and delivered physically. This adds to the cost and so affiliates can’t take such a huge chunk of the profits.
So why Clickbank? Well because of the commissions of course! Clickbank products typically offer 30-60% commissions on many of its products. Affiliate marketers only need to send customers directly to the ready made sales pages. If they make a sale, they earn a commission. The process can be automated and scaled up to a global audience.
Clickbank Autopilot Money Making Software
But there’s many digital products available which aren’t Clickbank products too. One of the biggest keys to affiliate marketing success is learning which strategy is right for the products you promote, whatever they are. Another key strategy is to use products which pay you again and again for each sale. (More on this later.)
So, what software do you need to successfully promote and sell digital products online? And which are the best strategies to use? There’s plenty of videos on the internet showing a marketer’s results with Clickbank and they always ‘promise’ to teach you how to achieve the same. What many of them don’t say, is how long they’ve been doing it and how much it’s cost them! Showing results like this is the easiest way to draw people in and get them to buy something!
Which Strategy To Use?
Most affiliate marketers start out with a new website and put some affiliate products on it. Bad move! That’s because to get any traffic to a website, you’ll need Google on your side. When your site is sparse on information and loaded with affiliate links, it’s a big red flag to Google to penalise your website and not rank it. Newbie affiliate marketers will tend to do this.
To get traffic for free, you’ll need to build a website (see create free website and earn money) and create some content. You can then share that content and build backlinks. As your site starts to generate some traction, you can introduce the odd affiliate link, or better still, build an email list by giving something away on your site in exchange for a visitor’s email address.
Clickbank Autopilot Money Making Software – An Autoresponder
One of the best pieces of software an affiliate marketer can invest in is an autoresponder. (See autopilot marketing) An auto-responder is a piece of email marketing software which allows an affiliate marketer to place some code on their website and create an email capture form. (Sign up on my form and start an online business). This form, allows you to capture the email address of a subscriber, and send them some free information via email. As you build your email list, you can offer your subscribers value while promoting your products and services.
Marketers with large email lists can send tens of thousands of emails at once and sell hundreds of digital products to their subscribers instantaneously.
What Software – Hosting & Domain Name
To build a website, you can get your own hosting and domain name. Namecheap is a good resource for purchasing a domain and Hostgator offers a cheap hosting provider to host your site. See my article to learn more on this – Create Free Website And Earn Money.
Best Products To Use
I tried all sorts of products as an affiliate marketer. The best products I’ve used are the ones I’ve also had the most value from. Ideally, choose to promote products you’re aligned with yourself personally. If you’ve ever tried to sell something you’re not prepared to buy yourself, there’s a hug disconnect. How can you in good conscious promote something you don’t even want to buy yourself? To make money right!? But the trouble is, people know if you’re doing that and they don’t buy you – so they don’t buy your products either!
Use a Product Range, Not A Standalone Product
A standalone product, whether is be from Clickbank or Amazon, will only pay you once. You need to keep selling that product over and over to keep getting paid. That’s good if you’ve cracked a system which does this on autopilot – like a search algorithm or paid marketing, for example. But what if that sale was incredibly difficult?!
Use Subscription Affiliate Products
Subscription affiliate products give you a huge edge as an affiliate marketer. Ideally choose the more expensive ones! Cheaper products offer less value and are less likely to be around in 10 years time. If you’re using content to market your products you’ll want products to still be selling in 5-10 years time; otherwise all that work you have done previously, creating content and back linking, will be wasted.
High ‘Ticket’ Affiliate Products
High Commission Affiliate Programs offer products valued into the tens of thousands of dollars. In addition to this, you can earn large commissions on these products – up to 50% commissions. On a $20,000 sale you can earn $8000 in a single sale! Think about this for a moment. Clickbank products typically sell for $100 and pay you, the affiliate $40 (40%). You’ll need to sell a lot of these products to make a good living online. If you’re going to use paid advertising, which is hard for low value items, you’ll need to factor in your advertising budget too. With high ticket programs you can offset advertising costs more easily and scale up to larger incomes with less risk.
The Art Of The ‘Up-sell’
Up-Selling is the strategy of selling more valuable products to existing customers. Most physical stores use the model of having customer loyalty. Why not an online business too? If you choose products which offer a lifetime value, use memberships, high ticket and up-selling, you can make a lot more money, for the same amount of effort as selling low value ‘stand-alone’ items. Most products available for affiliate marketers only pay you once. The retailer then gets a customer, potentially for life. The affiliate doesn’t. Choose a product range which offers up-selling products, a built in sales team and a range of high ticket products. Sign up to my email list for more details.
Marketing Strategies – Clickbank Autopilot Money Making Software
So, what’s this got to do with Clickbank autopilot money making software? Any ‘autopilot’ business uses automation to sell products and services of some kind. There’s always a lot of work to do behind the scenes, even with an ‘autopilot’ business system.
Don’t be fooled by these autopilot ‘push and click’ systems which claim to do all the work for you. They won’t! They’ll take your money and you’ll have a few stressful months of trying to do “the system”, and it will fail. You’ll give up! Let me save you the time you would have wasted and let you into a little secret. It’s hard work! Anything worthwhile is going to be hard work.
If it’s not hard work, it’s expensive! The two main strategies of building traffic to your products are:
Paid marketing
Content marketing
Let’s look at these one at a time. Then, you can decide for yourself which one is most suitable for you to follow.
Paid Marketing
Paid marketing is the fastest and most scalable strategy to use with an online business. If you want results fast, I hope you have a good income, because you’ll need it! You can get lucky early on and hit a winning advertising campaign, but the chances are good that it’ll take a little work at the least, and some cash.
Most affiliates (or businesses) who start out doing PPC (pay per click) direct response marketing give up and walk away. That’s because it costs money to test advertising strategies.
This should be done with caution. Testing and measuring is the precursor to a successful marketing campaign. Unless you’re prepared to put yourself through this, you shouldn’t start. Test a number of adverts and send targeted traffic to your website, landing page or sales page. Ideally use a landing page and collect the subscribers information. This gives you time to follow up with an email marketing campaign. Measure your results by tracking everything that happens. Learn from this rinse and repeat.
Free Advertising – Content Marketing
Ah free advertising! It’s the best – right? ! Well, no! Content marketing is great if you don’t have the funds to run paid marketing campaigns, or you don’t want to do it because you’re risk averse, or your products don’t allow it. Ideally use a high ticket sales funnel and run paid marketing for the fastest and most scalable results. If you can’t do this, content marketing is the way to go. You can still fail, and you risk losing your advertising budget. But the safest way to learn this is with a high ticket funnel.
Content marketing offers the opportunity to use your time, rather than your money. So, depending on your circumstances, this might be a better option. If you can’t afford a high ticket funnel, content marketing is a good option.
Blogging is a staple of content marketing. It’s the ‘go-to’ industry standard. Blogging is a strategy which does work but requires a lot of work and consistency. It’s easy to be all fired up and enthusiastic at first with blogging. When you’ve been doing it for some time, and your results aren’t showing, it can be tough. Make it a stable daily activity to write a blog for several months at a time. Content is king so remember to provide quality content and share that content as much as possible. See also top ways to generate website traffic for free.
YouTube – Video Marketing
Video marketing on YouTube is the ‘new’ blogging. Google now owns YouTube but YouTube is still far less competitive that the standard Google search engine. So many affiliate marketers have turned to v’logging – video blogging instead of, or as well as writing a regular blog. You can use YouTube in the same way as writing a blog. Aim to upload regular videos and offer as much value driven content as possible.
Your videos should in some way relate to the products and services which you are promoting. Aim to target your perfect ‘audience’ in terms of their beliefs and values. You don’t need to talk specifically about your products though to create an effective YouTube marketing campaign.
Clickbank Autopilot Money Making Software
So here’s a quick rundown of the software you’ll need to start generating an income from the internet. This article is titled Clickbankautopilot money making software, but as I have mentioned, you don’t need to use Clickbank to make money from the internet. In fact, using subscription products which offer up-sells, built in sales team, high ticket sales and multi-tier sales is a better idea long term.
An email autoresponder – see autopilot marketing
A hosting package – To host your website
Marketing training and education software – use my sign up form for access
Web-building software – see below
Marketing platforms – Facebook, YouTube, Adwords, Bing – and the ability to use them
Get Help – Access An Online Mentorship Program
One of the best things you can do when building an internet business is get the right help and advice. I struggled for years on my own and this could have been cut much shorter if I had only found the right support. Sign up to my email list for more information and access to an online training and education community. You can also shortcut much of the technical website building process if you use this software and program. Checkout the video below:
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