Everyone must think about building an autopilot cash system of some sort, right? Imagine a cash dispensing machine in your living room which churns out unlimited cash on demand. Sounds pretty cool! But what if there actually was an autopilot cash system which let you make money without having to go out and work for it every day in a job?

I dreamed about such a system after years of financial hardship and struggle and looked to the internet for some real answers. Initially, I used eBay to buy and sell but over time realised that this was only part of the answer. I was using the internet and my laptop to make money, sure. But I knew there had to be a better way where I could automate sales and deliver products over the internet to people all over the world.
Autopilot Cash System – My “Ebook” Discovery
I bought an ebook from eBay which gave me a “work from home” strategy which I used successfully for some time. Check it out here. But the ebook purchase itself was what really interested me. It was a digital downloadable product which I purchased over the internet and got immediately. It seemed like the perfect business model – selling a product on complete autopilot.
This had to be the answer – a downloadable product to sell online is effectively an “autopilot cash system”. I just had to figure out how it worked! I wrote a few ebooks myself but failed to sell any of them. So I took various online marketing courses to learn more about selling online. This led me to a business model known as affiliate marketing – selling other people’s products online.
Autopilot Cash Program – Affiliate Marketing

Over several years I studied various strategies for selling other people’s products on the internet – (affiliate marketing). Since I was pretty broke, I first looked for the cheapest methods, which I have to say are considerably more difficult than the more costly options. Cheaper options of selling products online include things such as:
- Blogging
- Niche Website building
- Social media marketing
- List building
More expensive options include paid marketing, purchasing a ready made sales funnel and using high ticket affiliate programs. See also the easiest online money making system for a beginner.
By automating the sale of digital products over the internet, you can effectively create an autopilot cash system which makes you money! But beware, this doesn’t happen overnight nor is it easy!
Autopilot Cash
The systems and strategies for selling products over the internet can be completely automated and scaled up to a global audience. But there’s many different strategies for selling products online and various kinds of products too! Navigating the plethora of online selling strategies is pretty difficult for a beginner looking to start out online. I made many mistakes and it took me years before I started making real progress.
One of the best strategies I found was using paid marketing and high ticket products. With low value products it’s very difficult to use paid marketing and come out on top. It’s easy to lose money while learning marketing. But ultimately if you don’t start generating a profit quickly, you’re going to lose money, rather than make it. So you need a good product range to recoup your spendings.

Online businesses that run on autopilot and generate profit will have a number of products to sell, not just one. Ideally choose subscription affiliate products which pay you over and over. And use digital products which can be sold anywhere and give the largest commissions. Physical affiliate products usually pay between 3% and 11% compared to 30%-50% for digital products.
A Sales Funnel & Digital Products

If you’re really serious about building an “autopilot cash system” you’ll need to get a sales funnel with a range of digital products in it. (Sign up for the video series on this site for more information).
But your work doesn’t end there. Once you have a funnel up and running, you’ll need to drive traffic (visitors) into it and make sales. This can happen automatically if you buy a ready made sales funnel which also has a follow up email marketing campaign.
But you’ll need to get your marketing right and this means finding the right kind of people to send into your funnel.
If you can generate a profit from your funnel using a scalable marketing strategy (like PPC – pay per click), you’ve got an autopilot cash system! Congratulations, you can start increasing your budget and therefore profit!
A good sales funnel will deliver a profit from even a small marketing budget. When you get to this point, you’ve done it! But most affiliates never reach this point. Many will give up long before they see any sales at all or even 1000 subscribers on their email list.
What Goes Wrong For Affiliates?
Building an “autopilot cash system” using a sales funnel and digital products is a great achievement. However, there’s many things you need to do to get this working effectively. You can spend years making mistakes and not quite getting there.
Target Audience
The target audience for a particular product needs to be very clear. If you’re unclear about who you’re sending into a funnel, you can waste a lot of time and money sending the wrong people into your marketing funnel.
Customer Journey
The customer journey is an important part of marketing a product online. People will lose interest if your sales funnel and marketing efforts don’t match up or are incongruent. Think about the process of purchasing something new from a shop, for example. If the sales people are sloppy or you can’t find what you want, you’ll go elsewhere. It’s the same with an online purchase. You need to feel assured that what you’re buying is the right choice. From advertising to landing page to email marketing campaign, your messaging needs to resonate with your customers needs.
It’s easy to lose faith in an online business at the start. You’ll be faced with many set backs on the journey to building a profitable online business. How you deal with these setbacks will determine whether you continue or not! Belief plays a huge part in this. Consider whether you believe in your business and how this will effect you going forwards.
Your “Why?”
Online business owners often had a very strong “why” before they started building their business. Unless you have a strong enough reason, it’s easy to give up on building an online business. If you hate you boss, your life or feel like you need something more, you’re more likely to pursue your business to its successful realisation. If you’re just “playing”, the roadblocks and difficulties may easily sway you into giving up.