Wondering how to improve your money mindset? Most of us aren’t programmed for wealth. The opposite is true. We received programming for poverty and lack, most likely instead.
Before you were 10 years old you will have absorbed a number of falsehoods about money, wealth and the rich from your parents. Beliefs you simply accepted were absorbed into your subconscious mind. Whatever your efforts on the outside in life, these unconscious ideas can hold you back.

The way we spend money can tell us a lot about our money mindset too. Do you overspend, and live above your means? Or are you super cautious with money, saving every penny?
Here’s a few things you can do to change your money mindset for the better.
How To Improve Your Money Mindset – Subconscious Programming
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate” – Carl Jung
Our subconscious programming is running the show and unless you get to understand it, it will continue to do so. This can be super frustrating if you’re trying all you can physically, but no matter how hard you try, things never go how you want them to. It could be you have some negative programming which holds you back.
So how can you bring more awareness towards your programming? One thing you can do is start noticing how you perceive the things you want. How do you think about money, the wealthy and how do you see yourself? Your conscious mind runs a near constant dialogue with itself. As you do this, your unconscious mind listens attentively, learning how to deliver the results according to your beliefs!
To change the dialogue, you must first become aware of the thoughts, ideas and intentions which you give energy to.
How To Improve Your Money Mindset – Spending Habits
Most people pay their bills and spend what’s left; living beyond their means and racking up debt. The wealthy pay themselves first (into savings) and then pay their bills. This way they always have more than they need because they learn to live beneath their means.
This excess money can be saved for businesses and investments to use money to make money.
To bring more awareness to your spending habits, make a note of everything you spend for a full week. You’ll be surprised at the money that you spend. Small daily spending habits rack up to large amounts over the course of a year.
What daily spending habits can you change? How can you use this money instead for investments or savings?
Birds Of A Feather Flock Together
“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with” – Jim Rohn
People who hang out together have like minded views. Are your closest friends and relatives helping you to succeed? Or, do they perhaps have some unhelpful views about money which are silently sending money away from you?
While spending time in your circle of influence, notice how you “tribe” speak about money, the wealthy and themselves. Are they positive towards attaining greater financial freedom, or are there some negative ideas there?
Just spending some time noticing how your circle talk about money can be quite illuminating. Seek out people who have already attained that which you want to achieve. You’ll learn a lot if you can spend some time with them.
Learn more about money mindset, download my free ebook and join my email list over at Money Mindset Coach.

How You Earn Money
How do you earn money? Do you trade your time for it in a job or have you learned how to automate your income? One way you can do this is through the selling of products and services online with a clever business model known as affiliate marketing.
An automated business system can help you sell products through email marketing. This website is an example of one way I sell other people’s products on complete autopilot! Join my email list to learn more about this.
Most people earn money in a job but their earnings are always limited because there’s only so much time in the day. Through the sale of products and services online, you can earn on autopilot and through selling instead. This is much less limited and you can sell products globally.
Download my money mindset ebook : see money mindset workbook pdf.