It is possible to create a free website and earn money from it. However, there’s a few issues which could stand in your way too. Firstly, if you don’t want to pay for advertising, you’re going to need to create a great resource which offers value. If you want your website to rank on Google, a source of free traffic, you’ll need to offer some great value.
Google ranks it’s websites carefully according to a number of different criteria. There’s hundreds if not thousands of criteria which it bases its algorithms on. Here’s just a few.
Create Free Website And Earn Money – Free Traffic From Google
If you want free traffic, and you’ll need traffic, you want Google on your side. This means playing their game. Offer value first, make money second. Googles algorithm uses signal such as:

- Keywords in your content – headings, subheadings, alt images etc. All of these signal to Google what your content is about.
- Visitor time on page – Once your content gets some visits, if it does, Google will see how long people are on the page for. This gives them a clue about your content and how well it is received
- Click away rate – some people will land on your website and click away immediately. This signals that the content wasn’t well received, or that the visitor wanting something else
- Back links – Your website won’t have any back links at the start. This means it probably won’t get many visits because no-one can see it. Ideally, if you create good content, people will naturally share it and this creates a natural link profile which looks good to Google. (again, content driven)
- Social media shares – Your content may get shared on social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, for example. Shares indicate a social presence and natural share profile – if you deserve it! You can of course give it a helping hand with social share buttons on your website and a plugin which automatically shares your content when you post it.
- Plus many more…
Why Content Is King?
As you can see, a number of Google’s ranking factors are based on social perception. If you content sucks, nobody will read or share it! If your content is amazing, more people will read it to the end, and share it too. All these are good social signals which hopefully will help you get eyes on your website, increase the views, get more shares and move up the page on Google.
If Content Is King, Content Marketing Is Queen
To create a free website and earn money from it, you’re going to need to work really hard! Sorry to break it to you but there’s lots of people wanting to “create free website and earn money”‘! Google hates these people! They contribute nothing and spam their valueless websites with affiliate links. Don’t be one of these people because I can pretty much guarantee that you’re wasting your time. Google won’t rank your website if it is full of spammy affiliate links and no decent content!
Once you have built your website and created content, you’ll need to promote it. Otherwise you’ll never get anyone to it. Even the best content in the world needs to have people see it before anything can come of it. First comes providing value, next comes promoting that content. Finally, you think about monetising your website. Don’t put the cart before the horse. If you focus on monetisation before value, Google may flag you up as an affiliate spammer who offers no value. So it definitely won’t value your content; you won’t get ranked and you won’t get traffic; time all wasted.
Purchase A Domain Name
Depending on what your website is going to cover, you can either purchase a keyword targeted domain, like this site, or a more general one. For specific niche websites, I recommend getting a keyword targeted domain. However, if you want to cover a variety of subjects, you can get a more general one too. This website, autopilot money making software, is using a very targeted domain name, in the ‘hope’ of ranking for this or similar keywords and getting some free traffic. We shall see over the next few months whether this actually works! (Today is 5th March 2019).
Get A Hosting Account
Once you’ve decided on a domain name, you’ll want to get a hosting account and connect the two by pointing your DNS settings to that of your hosting account. (See video).
The domain and hosting will cost you a very small amount $10 domain and <$10 a month hosting) and it’s worth doing this. Using a free blogging account (see Get Paid For Advertising Online Without A Website), can be done but it’s much harder to generate free traffic using a free hosting and blogging services. Plus there’s many more restrictions as to the affiliate links you’re allowed to use. If you’ve no money to spend at all then this is the completely free route.
Create Free Website And Earn Money – What Next?
So, you’ve set up a website with hosting and you’re ready to get started! You now need to create some awesome content around your products. A good place to start is a product review because reviews are the last thing for someone to search for when looking to buy a product.
No products to sell? Well there’s thousands of products for affiliate marketers to sell online. Clickbank is often the place people start. However, it’s worth looking for products you really want and need yourself. If you really want a product, you’re in a much better place to sell it to a potential customer. How would you sound talking about (or writing about) a product you wouldn’t even buy yourself?
What Products To Promote on Your Niche Website?
As an affiliate marketer, you can promote whatever products you want on your website. Keep in mind that creating a website with a bunch of affiliate links and no value probably won’t put you in the good books with Google. You want to create value driven content which actually helps people and offers value. Otherwise, your website won’t get any traffic.
If you already have a special interest of specific knowledge of some kind, it might be worth looking for products which already exist in your chosen topic. Just do a Google search for “‘Your niche‘ affiliate programs” and you should find some suitable products. You can promote physical products from sites like eBay and Amazon too, but keep in mind these kinds of products typically pay less in commissions than digital products. Here’s a recent breakdown of Amazon’s commissions rates. Digital products typically pay 40-50% commissions whereas Amazon pays it’s affiliates 3-10% commissions.

Create A Free Website And Earn Money – Now What?
So you’ve built a website and put up some content. Remember, content is King and content promotion is Queen. You’re still not sitting on a beach earning 20% yet! Don’t get too excited!
Keep building content on your website and link back to your content in a variety of ways:
- Article marketing websites – Ezines articles lets you write and link back to your content
- Guest posting – Find guest posting opportunities within your niche and offer to write posts on other people’s blogs.
- Blog commenting – Comment on related blogs and websites with a link back to your site
- Quora questions and answers – Write answers to questions relating to your topic and link back to your content.
- Build more niche websites and link back from them.
- Post your articles on social media sites and share with friends.
Make a habit of doing these things and, over time, you should see some traffic come to your website. The more effort you put in, the more traffic your will see. Don’t expect miracles for very little work though. If you want to create a free website and earn money, you’ll need to graft! If you want it faster, you’ll need another strategy.
Learn more about building your own online business here.
Plugins and Final Word
Here’s the final video of the series. Here you can see I’m using a few plugins to help me write my articles for the best SEO – Search Engine Optimisation. I use Yoast SEO for this, a cookie consent plugin too and a social media share button plugin too. I’ll aim to write another 10 or so articles on this site and leave it up to the Gods at Google to see if it’s going to give me any ranking juice over the next 6 months or so! Wish me luck.
I hope you have found some benefit from this article and these videos. Please do share it if so! Also leave a comment if you think there’s anything I missed out or how I could improve it!
One Last Thing, (in the words of Columbo)!

It’s now 6th April 2019 and I’ve done a quick Google search for my main keywords to find my site at the top! Even though I won’t get huge traffic from this fairly uncompetitive keyword, it does show that the aim of the site has indeed worked!
For how long this remains on top is anyone’s guess! I’ve also been picked up for some of the other articles I’ve written on this site too! However, unless I keep up with the site, I’m sure it’ll soon drop down the rankings like many niche websites do! I’ll keep you posted on any updates in the future and feel free to comment with any insights/questions.
Oh and even though I’m top of the searches on Google written content, there’s still videos ranking above this site. This just shows how important video is if you want to create online content which drives traffic.
For more help and advice get affiliate marketing coaching. Visit this site for more details:
Thank you for your feed back on Quora. I tried more méthodes to développe my business, i can not. Thank you if you can help
Let me know the specifics and I’ll try and help