There’s no definitive best micro niche for blogging. Ideally choose a blog topic which you have an interest or passion for. Otherwise, you’ll quickly lose momentum and run out of ideas. A blog takes time and effort to build up and is definitely a slow strategy for making money.
But if you stick it out for long enough, Google will reward you by giving you a ranking for your keywords. When and if this happens you can expect a sudden surge in traffic. If you’re blog is set up right, this can mean more leads and sales and a passive income.
Choosing A Micro Niche

Micro niche blogging topics vary and there’s plenty to choose from. A micro niche is a niche within a niche. For example a niche could be the fitness niche. A micro niche within the fitness niche would be something like chair Yoga for pensioners, for example. Still, that may not be the best micro niche for blogging. Can you monetise? Do you have a passion for your topic? Is it competitive?
With a micro niche, you delve down into a smaller version of your niche which appeals to a very specific audience. Because you’re online, you still have a pick out of a global audience. And a micro niche offers much less competition; so you’re far more likely to get ranked for your content and get free traffic.
The best blog niches to make money can vary. But getting traffic is a must. Without people getting to your content, your business is dead in the water. So your choice of topic is pretty important. Some say choosing an ‘evergreen’ topic is important. Evergreen niches make money all year round. Unlike some niches which make money only seasonally. Christmas trees for example only sell around Christmas; so choosing such a niche might not be a great idea.
What’s your ikigai? Ikigai is a Japanese term which is found by aligning your passions, interests and vocation. It means “a reason for being”/ Once you can identify your ikigai, you have hit upon a potential mini niche to build a blog around.

Why is it so important to choose a topic aligned with your passions? For a couple of main reasons:
- It’s much more difficult creating content around something you don’t know about and/or have no passion for
- You can’t sustain an interest in something you’re absolutely not interested in
I had a blog I started about mushroom harvesting. A friend of mine had built a niche website around the niche of potatoes. I decided I could find a niche which was completely untapped around some kind of vegetable. So I started doing some keyword research for niche sites around various topics. I eventually found a domain name “” and started creating content around it. I knew nothing of the topic, but found the keyword was being searched for and had very little competition.
Worst Micro Niche For Blogging
But I made several errors here:
- Choosing a topic I had no knowledge about previously
- Picking a topic which was seasonal
- There were very few affiliate products I could align with the content
- I chose a topic I had no interest in
Because I knew nothing about the topic of harvesting mushrooms, I had to research every post I created. This was labour intensive and no fun at all, since I didn’t really give hoot about my subject – I just wanted to make a site which made money.
The seasonal nature of the blog meant I only got traffic around the mushroom harvesting season. So, for much of the year the site lay dormant. I also couldn’t find many affiliate products to sell from the site, something I should have looked into before choosing the topic.
Eventually I grew tired of building on the site and left it. It ranked top of Google for some time, but eventually someone with a greater passion took first place. They were obviously passionate about the topic and created many more videos and posts that I was capable of doing. I ran out of enthusiasm for the site after several months of creating content and gave up on it. Eventually I got rid of it but it taught me a few lessons.
Why So Specific?
A micro niche is important for a few reasons:
- You can identify a specific customer and lead them to a specific product
- Your site/blog is more easily going to be ranked and found by visitors
There’s a saying in sales: try and sell everyone and you sell no-one! So having a very specific niche means more of the right people will find you in the overcrowded space of the internet. If you aim for a competitive niche, even a profitable one, you’re likely to get lost in the crowd.
Popular evergreen niches include: health and fitness, money making online, dating and relationships, self improvement, weight loss, pets, beauty, gadgets and technology.
But throw up a website in any of these niches and you’ll have hundreds of thousands of competing websites which will likely drown you out. So unless you can afford to pay for marketing, you’ll want to find something which is less competitive.
This website is an example of a micro niche site in the money making online genre. It’s a very competitive niche so difficult to get noticed. You can see how this site was built around the main keywords in my article create free website and earn money.
If you can identify a passion or interest, link it to a very specific niche and build a site around it, you could be onto a winner! But it will take a lot of hard work before you’ll see the fruits of your labours.
Popular Topic Vs. Micro Niche

Take a look at the image above. You’ll see I’m using the keyword planner to find low competition keywords for some of the articles I’m writing on this website. With highly competitive keywords, you’re much less likely to get any ranking on Google. That’s because there’s far too much competition. It’s far easier to go for the “low hanging fruit”.
Would you rather have zero traffic from a competitive keyword which gets 100,000 monthly views or 10 views a month from one which is less competitive?
See my article keyword research for niche sites.