The best blog niches to make money are typically cited as “evergreen” niches which are massively popular. These are things within the categories of:
- Making money online
- Health and fitness
- Relationships/dating
- Wealth building/personal finance
- Personal Development
But getting a blog up and running with traffic in a niche like any of these is very difficult. You’re far better off digging into a micro niche within these niches if you’re going to choose a popular topic. Here’s some examples of micro niches within the topics described above:

- Making money online/affiliate marketing/personal development/mindset hack for online/small business owners
- Health and Fitness/Losing weight/over 50’s home training exercises
- Relationship/dating/breaking up/coping with losing a partner/getting over a divorce later in life
- Wealth Building/personal finance/money saving tips/avoiding debt/how to get out of debt if you’re on a low income
- Personal Development/Mindset hacks for happiness/meditation at home/meditation for the work at home Mum
Best Blog Niches To Make Money – Evergreen
An evergreen niche is a niche which can make money all year round. The top niches are those mentioned above. Other niches such as “growing tomatoes”, or “Christmas ideas on a budget” for example, will have a seasonal “peak” in interest. So the best blog niches to make money will have a year round appeal. If you pick a topic within a seasonal niche, you should expect to have peaks and troughs in your number of visitors throughout the year.
Best Blog Niches To Make Money – Your Biggest Problem

The biggest likely problem you’ll find once you choose a niche and start blogging is traffic (visitors to your blog). Many bloggers start out creating a blog only to give up shortly afterwards. Blogging is tough. You need to pick a topic you’re passionate about and can maintain interest in for the long run. Otherwise, you’ll likely run out of steam and lose interest far before you see any visitors, let alone sales.
So it’s a good idea to discover a topic you can run with, before you even start. Ideally build your blog around a specific keyword combination to give your niche a head start. This website, autopilot money making software, was built on those keywords specifically for this reason. You can read about how this site was put together piece by piece in this article create free website and earn money.
Alternatives To Popular Topics
Evergreen niches aren’t necessarily the best blog niches to make money in. If you have a passion or an interest in something else, consider looking into using it as your focus for a blog. Alternative niches often have much less competition than the mainstream ones. If you have a unusual hobby or interest which is less well known, it could be that you can more easily build a website on your topic which ranks highly on Google.
Some of the most lucrative blog topics are those which were un-tapped before they were built. Patt Flynn first introduced me to niche website building after finding an article on his site. He build a security guard training website. After doing some keyword research on the topic, he found the niche was relatively un-tapped. He read up on the topic and created a resource around it, offering products to help people become security guards in the US. Here’s the website he built, a number of years ago now.
You Don’t Have To Know Your Subject
Pat didn’t know about security guard training when he started out either. So you don’t have to be super knowledgable about your topic. However, it will help you if you have a topic you already know about. Writing about something you don’t know about takes much longer. You need to research your topic for everything you write.
I built a site around the keywords “When To Harvest Mushrooms”. I knew nothing about the topic but managed to get my site to the top of Google for its keywords. However, I lost interest in blogging about the topic, and let my site die a slow death! Other more passionate bloggers took the top spot and I didn’t really make money from the topic since it wasn’t a good niche. The topic wasn’t evergreen and half the year it didn’t get any traffic. Plus, it was difficult to monetise too.
It’s better to choose a topic you love, especially now. There’s much more competition on Google nowadays than there was 20 years ago. So building content is pretty important if you want anyone to find your site. This is far easier if you know something of your topic, and can keep going when you are running low on enthusiasm; which will definitely happen!
Making Money From Your Blog

Monetising your blog is another consideration you should think about before starting. My blog about mushroom harvesting was difficult to monetise. What products can you sell to mushroom harvesters? Ideally find products which offer ongoing support and value and which pay you a recurring commission. Recurring commission affiliate programs are a much better way to monetise a blog than standalone products which only pay you once.
I made the mistake of selling low cost physical products from my blogs. But you’ll need to sell thousands of them in order to make a half-decent living. With recurring income products, you only need to sell a few of them to make a nice trickle income which can be built upon. Subscription products are generally digital affiliate products such as memberships and software items.
See best paying affiliate products for more on this.